Gpu cpu usage very low


GPU usage %45 - 70

CPU usage %45-70


Me too, I’ve given feedback on this issue and I’m not sure if it’s an easy fix or not easy to fix because of NVIDIA’s involvement in adding Dlss.

i am honestly not sure what people expect, but a usage of 100% is bad, thats not what you want. having 70% seems ok to me tbh.

all these tools that show percentage values are just making people get the wrong ideas about how hardware works and what it should be like. everyone has some sort of tool to track their usage values, but honestly, what does it tell you? that only makes sense if you develop some sort of parallel computing and/or simulation software and u want to track if u created a bottleneck like a memory leak somewhere.
for the average gamer these numbers look fancy but they have almost 0 added value tbh.

if your hardware is not getting too hot and is not being used 100%, thats generally not a bad thing :wink:

yeah what is that supposed to mean? you got a good gear, the game runs smoothly, your pc doesnt draw too much power and doesnt get too hot. and you can easily compensate for spikes when they appear because you have a lot of brainpower left should the occasion arise.

what you can maybe do to draw even less power is to maximize frames to 60fps. you usually dont need more. or if you want 120 you can set this here… is that your issue?

I’ve changed these settings because after this recent patch, I feel like the game isn’t as responsive as it was before.But changing parameters usually doesn’t have much effect, it always feels like the config file isn’t really controlling my hardware, and 35% is a bad performance release, it represents that certain parts of the process are too inefficient, resulting in the efficiency of the graphics card being compromised.