I have several chests in my house that are not accessable anymore. They are still visible, but more like ghosts. You can walk through them, flower pots on the top of the big ones are also not selectable. I was able to pick up some chests where it happened also, but ony because they were more in the middle of the room and their “pivot point” seems to be offsetted way behind them.
Edit: I was able to pick up one chest, but because my inventory was not completely empty, the weapons dropped to the ground and became a ghost container also. After relog all the weapons were despawned and are gone forever. For me thats a gamebreaker right now, no way to continue to play as long as thats not fixed.
Edit 2: After the latest 2nd patch i was able to pick up my ghost chest. Yay! I placed a new chest in my house and it became an unaccessable new ghost chest again. Nay! (i only have a few chests in the house: 5 medium, 3 small and 2 big ones on the first floor; 4 big, 3 medium, 1 small on the 2nd floor)
Unfortunately stuff like this is quite likely for an early access.
Also it might be that at some point there might be a character wipe.
I hope not, but if it comes, i am prepared.
Yep i know I can live with a wipe, but not with unaccessable chests because it makes gathering stuff pointless, so i hope it gets fixed before new content arrives.
Happened to me as well. It was a random resource chest I had been using the for 60+ hours, added some minor furniture to my house, left and now I can walk through that chest and it’s inaccessible, and only that chest.
On top of this other chest bug that I’ve had for over a month now.