General suggestions for QoL improvements

I’m just writing down some QoL changes I thought of and that I believe could help. The game is fantastic and I’m having a blast, and I hope all the feedback can make it even better.

  • Make it possible to change runes on a weapon
    What I’m proposing is implementing the possibility to slot a new rune in place of another by destroying completely the old one. This would fit the current vision of the game (that being, removing a rune destroys your item) while still giving people the freedom to change runes on a weapon they’ve upgraded and used for a while.

  • Add a “to-do” function for weapon/armour upgrades or crafting
    I’ve had this idea while discussing here in the forum. Many people lament the slight annoyance of going back and forth between their house and the market to make upgrades, and this gets worse when you forget a material or something and have to go back and forth again and again.
    What I propose is, the possibility of marking an upgrade or a crafting recipe as “to-do” so its required materials always appear in a dedicated section in your quest log. This would make gathering materials outside the city a bit easier, since you now always know the exact quantity you need, and it would also remove the problem of forgetting something in your house while upgrading equipments.

  • Make the augmentation from gems not be random
    I actually don’t know if it is random, and if it’s not please explain how it works in the comments, I’d appreciate that :).
    Essentially, now when you infuse a gem into an item, the actual value of the improvement provided by the gem seems to be randomly selected between the max-min range provided. This feels… bad, especially when you’re infusing your highly upgraded weapon and then it gets +1% stamina recovery on it. Which is worthless! And you can’t redo it!
    What I’m suggesting is either:
    -Let the gem scale with your weapon’s level. It still gives a bonus inside a definite range, but now it depends on the weapons’ tier. Tier 1 gives the lowest value, tier 2 is a bit higher, and so on.
    -Keep it a random value, but give us the possibility of enhancing the value up to its maximum by feeding it more gems of the same type. Like, you got 1% stamina on hit, sorry bad luck but hey you can use 10 more emeralds to bring it to its maximum. You don’t have them? Here, use the 4 you have and at least now the buff has a meaning.
    This would fit the vision of the game much more than the first option I think, but it would be a bit more grindy.

  • Make items stack to a higher quantity in chests
    Would really help with the issue of early game inventory management, and would still be nice to have later in the game.
    Make items in chests stack up to 50. That’s all. The rookery stash becomes suddenly a much better option in the early game and in the late game you won’t have to fill your house with chests.

  • Give us the possibility of sorting the inventory ourselves
    Right now there’s only the automatic sorting function, and… it’s not really useful, at least for me. Usually I keep my inventory organized as such as I can always find what I need in the spot I expect it to be and as of now it’s quite impossible to do. I would really appreciate if the possibility of moving items around the inventory and placing them in my preferred order was added to the game. This ties to another suggestions I wanted to make:
    Make it possible to mark items as “favourite”
    I have the terror of selling something I shouldn’t sell. Absolute terror. Marking an item as favourit could make them unable to be sold and also unable to be moved/autosorted from their current position; it should also higlight them in a clear but subtle way, as to not ruin the aestetic of the inventory.
    In case none of this can be implemented, I at least suggest a feature that would be quite useful:
    Give us the possibility of choosing the order of the displayed items in the quick menus
    Right now when I want to choose which food to eat or which consumable to use, I have to find them by passing through a long list of items in the quick menu. It’s not really a big big problem, enemies usually live enough gaps to take a few seconds and find what you need, but sometimes you’re in the middle of the action and you’ve just been hit and you need heals but you want to use the “big healing” food so you search for it but you CAN’T find it and the enemies are on you and… yeah. In those moments it feels like the system is actively working against you, especially since the addition of a new type of food could disrupt the order of the list.

  • Add dual elemental damage
    It’s not exactly “add”, but more “permitting” the existence of it.
    As of now, if I understand correctly, using an oil on your weapon “overwrites” the elemental damage of your weapon with the new one for its duration (again, if it doesn’t do this please let me know in the replies).
    It would be much cooler if, instead, you gained the ability to do elemental damage of two types. I’m not sure if it could work or how it would be implemented, I just think it would be cool. It’s not something that’s even needed. Just cool.

So, this was the list of what I thought of in the last few days. Many of these things have already been said/talked about in some form here in the forum, so it should be nothing new.
If you feel like you have better ideas, comment them! Devs should be given the opportunity to view the opinion of everyone, the more the better.

P.S. There could be typos. I didn’t bother checking, deal with it.