进入游戏后跟着新手指引进行蓄力、格挡一系列的教程后,上楼爬上一个网即将进入到下一个画面后,电脑屏幕就直接黑了,主机也疯狂响动。试了两次在同样的位置都出现此类情况。无法进行后续游玩,不知道还有没有其他人遇到我这样的情况?I9 9900K 2080TI 64G内存。
After entering the game, follow the new finger to introduce a series of tutorials, climb down the net to enter the next screen, the computer screen directly turned black, the computer rang. It happened twice in the same place. Can’t continue to play, I wonder if there is anyone else in my case?
I9 9900K 2080TI 64G内存。