Black screen at launch again

From the first moment I started to play and I got the black screen in the launcher, I managed to solve the problem by updating drivers, updating the visual C++, putting to run as administrator. I could start playing the last few days, now I have 11 hours, but since this morning the same thing happens to me again, at startup the screen goes black, with the background music and completely blocks the pc.

I have a nvidia Geforce RTX 2070, 32GB ram, I7-8700 3.2GHz.
I have reinstalled the game, I have checked all updates both nvidia, but still comes out the black screen, I have disabled Vsync. As I said before Iā€™ve been playing the game for 11 hours, I donā€™t know what to do anymore.

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Have you tried waiting ridiculously longā€¦ like what happens when you start, and come back 30 min later?

Iā€™ll try it and give feedback

i dont know why, but ā€¦ worksā€¦

Then it sounds like a performance thingā€¦ the good news is you can expect this to get betterā€¦ a lot.

When this happens to me, I do have to wait a lot longer than normal. Not 30 minutes though. Itā€™s more like 2ā€“3 minutes.

It seems to happen whenever there is a patch or whenever my video drivers are updated. Once it does happen, itā€™s fine after that first time.

My suspicion is itā€™s something to do with the caching of the game assets. (Or, more strictly speaking, that cache having been deleted.) Because when I do finally get to play, Iā€™ll often run into an area thatā€™s visually ā€œemptyā€ā€˜;ā€™ for instance nothing is drawn on the other side of a bridge Iā€™m running acrossā€”it looks as if I would just fall off and die. But when I get to the end of the bridge, the land just past it finally gets rendered.

same thing is happening to me :sleepy:

I was able to play on my rtx 3050 but since i upgraded to rx 6750 xt i get a black screen. I can here ingame music and there is UI at the bottom of the screen but thats as far as i can get. Tried all work arounds no luck.

windows 11
amd rx 6750xt
intel 11400f
64gb ram
gigabyte 550 motherboard

If at all possible whenever this occurs can you grab your logs files and send them here?

Grab the log files (both Player.log and Player-prev.log) and the DataStore folder that can be found here:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked

i see the the black Amber screen as well

Im having trouble finding these files. :grimacing:

I have this same issue, here are my log files.