Game Crash/Close In Crucible


In The Crucible, if game crashes or something like that happens u are redirected back home, I killed the horse knight ( after new patch the fight is very long and hard as well ) and before getting loot my game closed . I understand reason why u dont want to get to that place back but at list at listtttt somehow manage to have this issue fixed. I dont know i lose 30 mins i kill it and game closes and i am left with nothing . This happened a lot already literally a lot and this makes me lose interest in game…

hello please send all the log information requested here:

This is the logs of player log and player prev log


thank you for this information, can you please include the necessary crashlog and datastore folder mentioned here

If you experience crashes, grab the files that are located here:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked\backtrace\crashpad\reports

Grab the log files (both Player.log and Player-prev.log) and the DataStore folder that can be found here:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked

This is the crash reports

and this is log files

sweet thank you for the reports!

any updates regarding that ?

yep fix incoming for the patch, should be out as soon as possible