Report BUG: game crash

Game crashed very often.
No pictures or videos, because it happened without signs or regular patterns.
Sometimes only game crashed , sometimes computer restarted.
Here is the file link on my OneDrive, bugs for no rest for the wicked.

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I have not had my computer reset but both times I launched the game since patch 2, I can play for 5 minutes or so and then the game crashes. Both times I was in the Black Trench area.

Player-prev.log - Google Drive, Player.log - Google Drive

My crash is random as well; did notice a few times though it was when talking to the bounty knight.

Hey, thx for your report! Your link opens nothing for me with words “Something went wrong”, can you pls check it and maybe share your logs some other way?

Also can you pls go to C:\Users\*your_user*\AppData\LocalLow\Moon Studios\NoRestForTheWicked and send here an archive of NoRestForTheWicked folder?

@Skeanthu @Napalmburn99 pls do the same thing

Here is updated from today, numerous crashes.

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Great, thanks a lot, hope it helps our devs to find the trace and define the crash reason :muscle:

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