clearly you are amazing, never forget it 
Duh, thanks man, I’m sure there is no irony behind this compliment and it is completely sincere. <3
with my 20 years experience in handball I guarantee you that once someone is halfway a throwing animation, they can indeed change direction of the throw but it will not be with the same velocity and range as the original direction. What that means is that dodging sideways while half a screen away from the enemy when he is near the end of the animation should lead to a reasonable dodge, but these guys still throw at you with full velocity, range and accuracy. And these bombs likely aren’t very lightweight either, which makes it even less based in reality.
If “changing direction while halfway a throwing animation” is your definition of homing, I have nothing to counter your point with.
The OP mentioned homing projectiles that “hit you even if you change your direction last second”. That has not happened to me even once. Yes, the enemies correct the trajectiory of the launch probably up to the last frame of the throwing animation and there is also some amount of correction done in consideration to the direction you’re moving (and most games do this), but it’s still very very far from homing and completely in the realm of dodging.
Also why the fuck are you dodging before the end of the animation while half a screen away, god has given you invincibility frames and you’re not even using them to go dodge the actual projectile???
similar thing applies to the “instantly turnaround after landing a 20m leap whilst wielding a 15kg axe” enemies. Momentum of large objects doesn’t work that way.
Both the jump and the followup of those enemies you’re mentioning have clear, telegraphed startups. Wait for the leap, dodge out of the way, wait for the followup, dodge the strike and profit off the very generous recovery window of the enemy. So while unrealistic, they are by no means unfair to the player.
Also, I would like to bring to your attention that techincally the player can throw a greatsword like a boomerang and catch it once it comes back. Clearly, physics realism wasn’t a priority in development, and it only makes the game better.
So while “git gud” does fix the difficulty here, the feel that your “realistically perfect dodge” was in vain still takes away from the immersion and feels incorrect
The message I tried to convey to the OP wasn’t “git gud”. It was “I don’t agree with the issues you’re mentioning and I think it’s because you’re viewing them in the wrong way. Here’s my take on it.”
And really, it wasn’t a “realistically perfect dodge” if you got hit in the end.
I-frames exist. The only realistically perfect dodge is the one that works.