What MaDDworlD is saying is to some extent correct.
The fact is that the drops in game are 99% useless. When you drop something you dont have any dopamine spike, even if you drop a legendary you dont have it because atm the reality is that there are some enchants that are much more powerful.
The idea that the strategy of the game is to make money so that you can spend 8 to 10 gold to enchant gear with the OP enchants doesn’t make me an enthusiast.
All videos you can see on utube rotate around kill the eche night using those enchants.
Dont get me wrong, people are smart and try to find the best way to kill it but honestly i feel that there should be more balance especially with final boss.
- make some kind of adjustment so that you can jump the dungeons to the final boss. eg: after you’ve reache the boss 10 times you can jump to him. That would allow people to practice him to kill him without having to look for broken builds because you cant afford to loose 10/30 minutes to reach the boss and then die in a couple of seconds because you dont know the attacking pattern. You cannot expect people just to go on youtube to study the boss in order to defeat him
- make some balances in the drops and enchants. Most people wait to reach lvl 30 so they can get purple items with the stats MaDDworlD is talking about that have as negative stat loss of experience on death.
You may be one of the single most toxic personalities ive ever read a post of on any gaming forum. To the point where i made an account just to say this. This is the single most unhinged post ive seen made about any game. My god.
“Im inpatient and dont like hard games, therefore people who do like hard games are toxic. If a game nerfs things for balance or is to hard i also review bomb regularly”
What planet are you from?
I beleive advocating against balance in a game is extremly problematic and people who do so should be ignored or not taken seriously.
Games need balance and its improtant for the devs to do so to keep things enjoyable and dynamic. Dont challenege others when pointing out disproportionately balanced builds and aspects of the game. The devs have expressed intrest in game balance feed back and its important for them to do so.
And also know you disconcern for balance makes you an outlier, as most soulslike players care about balance and find it important. I dont even know why you are chiming in with such broad non-constructive criticism of the post.
What are you even talking about?
Who is advocating against balance?
Also the post is before a major update so it’s a bit irrelevant anyways, get a grip brother.
Not you my guy.
Vezxt wrote an entire manifesto of how all balancing is bad. Difficult games arent fun. And he will quit, refund, and review bomb the game if any nerfs or rebalancing occurs. He said he wanted the game to stay broken and exploitable because its to hard and any nerfing is bad in all scenarios. If you think i dont have a grip i suggest you reread the compeltely unhinged post that guy wrote.
You were trying to engage in a dialogue with himm after say things that crazy, and i was just advising you do not even engage with someone who says stuff like that.
Oh yeah that man is off his head.
I don’t mind replying, tbh its all just a convo in the forum and its up to devs to be in touch and make solid decisions. I am but a humble fan.
Anyways, apologies, I thought U were talking to me.