The HP boost is highly welcome (though you seem to have forgotten the trash leading up to him on previous floors), but …
… you seem to have forgotten completely about those two. It’s just silly how bully-able he is.
The HP boost is highly welcome (though you seem to have forgotten the trash leading up to him on previous floors), but …
… you seem to have forgotten completely about those two. It’s just silly how bully-able he is.
I 100% agree with this.
Most enemies in the Crucible die in a couple swings and in 1 rune attack. The tactical elements of combat have somewhat disappeared and only matter during boss fights to an extent - as you can still cheese bosses.
I would like increasing stagger resistance for Cyvion the EK. So staggering and knocking him down can still happen. But, in order to do so again it requires more and more stagger. Maybe add a timer if he hasn’t been knocked down for an X amount of time then the required stagger to knock him down is lowered again. This then also requires a cap on how much stagger a hit can inflict as some people have mentioned they are knocking him down in 1 hit.
Funny enough, the first time I fought Echo Knight he had no Poise Meter and I was thrilled because it meant I couldn’t just down him and would have to survive more than prevent. My second fight the Poise Meter came back and I knocked him down in a few combo’s. It wasn’t easy as it was still just my second time fighting but I had noticed a huge window of opportunity by then. Now, the 3-10 fights didn’t mean I got better but by the 11th try I had won. After this it was rinse and repeat and closing that window of uptime as much as possible.
I wouldn’t mind proposing the Boss gets 1 modifier be it an elemental armor or no poise meter to prevent a single sided idea atm. Break the armor and you can damage and poise him, or other modifiers surely there are many we could come up with.
Overall I agree that the Bosses need more of a Survival feel than they have now even if EK is still a tough fight from time to time should you stray from the norm.
P.S. LOVE the rework for Health and Enemy balance. Very much love it. Longer fights are nice, just…need to up the rewards or at least drops ;P.