Do not make Respec expensive

I understood from twitter co-founder comment that respect will be introduced, but it will be costly, the reason is to still have people think twice about their choices, well guess what:

We are already doing it throughout gear upgrade by putting our resources in the gear we want to use !
So please do not limit our possibilities to put points into a required stats to try outa new gear in order for us to assess if we want to put effort/resources and time to upgrade it.
Our choice making exercise and challenge is already covered with gear upgrades.

Please do not seal our faith by adding another layer here.

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i’d trust in a complete change of the attribute system and therefore no need of regular respecs

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They are working the patch right now, i hope they read my post lol

I agree, it gets in the way of experimentation and learning.

My hope is that there are so many types of builds and gear, that you’ll want to have separate characters to save needing to constantly switch gear and stats on one character anyway.

Honestly, i do feel respec-ing should be expensive. It is in pretty much every game where it is possible.

in games like this, as i personally feel and understand it, it is a wanted design choice to create new characters and realms when going for different builds.
I see a lot of rogue like influences here, and really like the replayability this adds to the game. Found a nice weapon u can’t use, well create new realm, pump up new char, switch to “main realm”, get new weapon, have fun.

it would be a shame to just respec your character every few hours/100 times and not really giving in to your “roleplay”. isn’t it nice to create a new char, new look, new realm ?

Sure, respec is nice, and needed, but please don’t make it spammable so u can just run around and reset your stats every 2h.
that would make the game pretty dull, and imo reduce replayability.


The issue with allowing respecs is that it removes re-playability with the creation of new characters. Why would anyone level up a second character as a mage if they can simply respec? If the plan is to only play through the game once with a single character, that makes sense, but that doesn’t seem to be the plan.

The issue is less about ‘respeccing’ and more about ‘loot you can’t use’. If the game stops allowing for loot drops for unusable weapons, the problem is mostly solved:

In terms of ‘if you don’t like to respec because you don’t find it fun, then don’t’, falls into a misunderstanding of how most people play games. If the developer gives the player an opportunity to take advantage of the system, they will do so, even if it worsens the experience.


Some experience from diablo 2 and path of exile:

In D2 one could freely respec 3 times per character. (once every difficulty)
After that it was seriously costly.

In PoE one had (theoretically) no free respecs, and it was seriously costly.
But… one had a far developed skill tree planning tool available online.
In practice, when i needed a respec i just waited for the next update, because usually they gave a free respec when something was changed… so basically always.

Therefore my suggestion:
Give out a handful of free respecs, or someting like 1 free respec every 100 ingame days.
And/or make some costly way to do it always, like: craft “potion of oblivion” from 3 ichor, or smtg.

That is enough to disencourage people from changing stats like underwear, but not being too strict.

If respec is free though, you dont need more than 1 character, so that would be a loss in my book.

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