Dissappointment with the crucible update

This is all we can expect about this update?

I was wondering that for this month we could have another episode of the main history and you deliver an upgrade for the crucible?

Its more important endgame content than main content?

I have test the new crucible and… I have to be impressed or excited? Its the same with a little changes and a boss with absurd amount of life.

I have beat the crucible at the third try and the boss is boooring. Is the same but with a kilometric lifebar.

Sorry. I was expecting more when I buyed this. I hope you deliver soon a second episode for the main history.


They said it was crucible update from the start, no story for now, and the next update should be the multiplayer one, so we have some time yet till the story progresses, i would like that too instead, but i can wait, this is EA after all.


I am also not too hooked on the roguelike nature of crucible, but this update is not purely disappointment.
Performance for instance, the game play much better now. Not yet where we want it, but much less stutter and higher avg fps.
The open world has lots of small updates, new paths and small secrets.
Next update is multiplayer, but then next again it will be content, and it will be great.

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you’re so right it is well known under the sun that every type of update must push the story forward, screw Multiplayer, screw mechanics obviously the only thing that matters is us slobbering over decadent, juicy, throbbing plot

Exactly, i found a short cut in the nameless pass, a huge gate there too, i didnt go to the sewers yet to see what has changed, i always erase everything before an update, but i found the trapdoor to a closed part of the sewer.
As for performance for the first time my game didnt stutter when i entered the nameless pass, always at the bridge before the whisper, when EA was released it was really bad, now nothing.

i must disagree in parts. i feel like early access if mainly for ironing out mechanics, multiplayer, bugs, etc.

when we are being “drip fed” one story episode after the other, every month a bit of main content, then what is the point of even playing the games 1.0 release version?

i really really do want to play more maps, more main bosses, more story etc., but i also do not want to be “saturated” before final release. I still want something to look forward to, something to experience for the very first time, when it is finished and done.

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This update was come more content that i expect. They only said The Crucible… But work in efficiency, many bugs, localization (please Moon studio, work in spanish localization. Sometimes it´s in English or German the quest).
They no said something about history, or maps… Obiusly, all us wish about the 1.0 patch… But the reallity about this it´s EA.
Sorry for my poor vocabulary.

Maybe they will go the BG3 way and we will stay on the first chapter until release, thats gonna take awhile hehehe.

Personally I’m disappointed, but I also don’t particularly enjoy roguelikes. This game also wasn’t a roguelike when I purchased it, but now it seems like a heavy focus.

The devs have said in the past that they want to provide options instead of forcing players to play what they don’t enjoy. At the moment, there are some things that only the crucible provides. I hope that changes in the future.

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I could be totally wrong but here’s how I predict content to be for the first year…

Chapter 1) What we got on release. Includes Tier I and II gear.

Crucible) A replayable mode that allow you to perfect roll gear.

Co-op) Enjoy Chapter 1 and the Rogue-like with a buddy.

Chapter 2) New location(s) and Tier 3 gear (maybe some boar to hunt for craftables)

I’d guess somewhere either after the co-op update or Chapter 2 there would be another Crucible update for the 2nd and 3rd set of runs. PvP might launch alongside co-op or be it’s own update. I imagine the game will need more balancing before that point because some of the current builds are wildly more powerful than others.

That’s just my thoughts though, could be totally wrong.

The game is still an ARPG, not gonna change, the crucible is a minor part and you can even ignore it, i did it once and not gonna go back inside unless theres a quest to do so.

At the moment and as far as I know, the only way to exalt items is by playing the crucible. If that doesn’t change, then by avoiding the crucible, a significant power boost will be missed.

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please delete this message, i dont want to give them any ideas… :wink:

But tbh at this pace this game comes out in 2030 with all the great things they have planned and already played around with…

looks like they kinda have to ramp up employee count to make this game release somewhat soon…

to be honest, i wish they’d rather release a new region first. Co-op is not gonna work when you can only play for maybe one weekend and try to get a friend excited when there isn’t much to do and explore. Not everybody is the enthusiast like us.

Co-op won’t work for me until they make the game work on my brother’s pc. He has a high end pc yet the game crashes on launch. I gave them his specs and never heard back from them.

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I know but the game is not that hard anyway, i had no problems with any bosses in the main story, Echo Knight on the other hand took me awhile to beat, but he was way down that hole with no whispers near to memorize those moves faster.

If you don’t use a game’s mechanics yes you’re missing something, but that to me is an invalid complaint here in terms of completion because unless something drastic changes it is very obviously able to be completed without Exalts. That’s like complaining to 100% a game you have to do all the sidequests, I just don’t see the problem. I’ve beaten EK(no rune spam) without exalted gear. The Crucible is very clearly an endgame grind only, there’s nothing so special in it that you can’t beat the base game without it.

After spending some time with the crucible, I actually think it’s okay-ish. But man, ending a run prematurely because you were knocked off an edge… like 7 out of 10 runs ends because I was knocked off an edge and 3 out of 10 I died to Echo Knight. I don’t think this is how the developers inteded the game to be played. There really shouldn’t be any edges in the crucibles. Why are they there? You spend abilitiy points to use you abilities, it’s the main thing about the game. Where is the ability points for edge-fall-avoidance ? Ah it’s not there… so why have an edge you can fall from and instantly die from regardless of stats. It makes little sense, and makes the crucible unfun. Make the crucible about the weapon, items, points, choices, playstyle, skill. Not getting knocked off the edge by a off screen mob

I don’t agree with this argument. It’s effectively saying “if you can beat the game without an upgrade, you shouldn’t want that upgrade”. People can beat Elden Ring naked at level 1 with an un-upgraded starter weapon, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to +25 my weapon the first chance I get.

What happens when the devs balance the game around having a maxed weapon (including exalted)? Or add different hard endgame content? Or PvP?

to me YOUR specific example for a counterargument is invalid because it’s so extremist. I was not referring to a naked, level 1, fist-only run to beat EK my example was a run-of-the-mill baseline build that anyone can cobble together and can still take down the strongest boss we have. If they decide to add in a super strong, fuck you, post-endgame boss that’s MMO raid level well then you better be prepared no? That’s genre convention, you can’t just walk in with a hastily made, low-rolled build you better eat your buffs, high-roll or exalt gear, and get those rings. I mean what’s the alternative, have every Crucible statue function exactly the same in terms of rewards? Leave no min-maxxing grind in an ARPG of all things? As for PVP IDK it depends on what the devs choose to do there but MMOs & ARPG PVP have had level or gear scaling in the past.

My point still stands. If upgrades exist in a game, people will feel compelled to collect them, even if they aren’t required to beat the base game.

Seems like you’re agreeing with me - the crucible is mandatory content if you want to play other hard content in the future, if it’s the only way you can exalt weapons. I’m saying I hope that changes.