Comments and suggestions

  1. About recipes in the inventory: we don’t have a preview of the stats of item, e.g. a sword or an armor piece, until we approach the anvil. It’s a pointless waste of time to have to constantly run to the anvil to check what stats weapon or armor piece will have.
  2. Doing quests which require the use of a specific weapon is pointless. If we are focused on playing with weapons which require, for example dexterity, and to complete the quest we have to use a weapon which uses for example strength (like a heavy hammer), it is hard to do. Especially until there will be weapons like hammers which will require for example dexterity to use them.
  3. A way to cleanse the elements of the weapon from negative effects would be useful. It could even be long and connected to some initial quest, which would be very interesting (e.g. we have to find something to perform some ritual. After obtaining this something we go to the enchantress and from that moment we can constantly cleanse items, e.g. using some special item for this. Sth like gem/seed to cleanse single item).
  4. Backpack is too small, chests are too small. My home is full of chests. It is like a garbage. Game has may various items so chests must be much bigger. Or stacking should have bigger limits like 100.
  5. Stacking problem in backpack: when I create healing food from mushrooms and have 2 stacks (25+25) in backpack and make so me food (so there is like 22+25) and then sell 13 mushrooms from second stack there is 22+12 (in 2 stacks). Stacks should look like 25+13, items should always “move to the left” to feel stack from left to full stack, U know what I mean.
  6. In the Crucible: some echoes are completely useless and unnecessary. It is clear that the main echoes which the player will use are those related to dealing damage. Therefore, statistically, there should be the most of them (dealing damage) for the game to be satisfying. Trash echoes are useless and only blocking picking damage echoes. Maybe game should try to read what are we are planning to build and help it: when it sees I try to pick just echoes which support my dmg dealing or HP increase or defence there should be more draws of echoes like I picked earlier.
  7. Crucible could be rebuilt a bit - there is too many holes and opportunities to fall, especially when enemies pushes player. It is ultra annoying especially if we have useful echoes.
  8. The Random Echo system is complete trash and should be gone. We should have choice till the end. I used to build my echoes to maximize focus. But a few times I’ve had random echoes which completely wiped out focus. All that hard work building my build was ruined. So when I’m usually at chamber VIII and have only random echoes to choose I don’t to it anyway. It is waste of my time I invested to build and too high risk with too small benefit. Benefit to risk is actually like 20 to 80. Doesn’t pay off in any way. Especially if we have punish system on purple echoes. It is more like suicide. Let us to pick and create our own idea on build to the end. I understand idea of risk and reward, but reward i too small.
  9. Fillmore keep saying “warrior is only as good as his weapon” and “nothing sings like steel” every few seconds. He is the most annoying NPC in whole game so far.
  10. Some weapons (like needle spear) probably disappeared, I can’t obtain it in any way. Not from enemies, not from chests, I killed Crucible boss few times and he didn’t drop it too.
  11. We need typical potions which restores % oh hp. Like drink and restore 50% hp.
  12. Absolutely need better optimization, in crucible in the chamber with boss is soo laggy when there is too many effects, even with my 32GB RAM and RTX3080.
  13. Picking up loot from 1 killed opponent is done “in installments” - sometimes you have to pick up 2 blue orbs with loot from 1 killed opponent.
  14. No teleports. I understand that the map is small, but returning to practically the same location several times to do a “wanted” quest is annoying.
  15. No possibility to take all the “wanted” tasks at once. It’s really incomprehensible.
  16. No possibility to check active positive buff - you can’t move the cursor over the description of the active effect that is working.
  17. No detailed descriptions of the negative effects of enchanted items. Like “when U die U lose gold” by how much? Percentage? All? Just gold, not silver/bronze? Too enigmatic.
  18. It could be usefull to make some kind of encyclopedia, especially for new players (in game or seriously update In some quest we must kill like Tanth, prisoner or sth else. New players don’t remember all fractions and it could be easier to find it in one place, not just keep trying to kill this one or that one and check if it is proper one.
    But whole game is so addictable, I playes 106 hours so far and love it! I trust in U guys! :slight_smile: I love the whole concept, graphic, every NPC tell sth, beautiful views, cutscenes wow, love it! :slight_smile: Hope there will be more things to build (I love the building upgrade system - even i real time. Nerds must stop keep playing and get back to real life :smiley: I could even stand if some really good buildings or upgrates lasts one or few days, it is not problem to me). When I read granite will be used to REPAIR buildings I feel there will be system of I don’t know… sieges and repairing buildings? Wow, nice! This game have huge potential, I will patiently wait for more. It first game I play on pad (bought xbox pad just for it. I used to play with mouse and keyboard my whole life - I’m 34. And I don’t regret!). I know I have so many comments and suggestions but want to help U to make this game great. So thank U for your job guys! :slight_smile:

No possibility to take all the “wanted” tasks at once. It’s really incomprehensible

I believe it is the way it is due to the chance of bounties overlapping in some areas. But i get what you mean.