Combat Balancing

I played this game for like 1-2 weeks and already saw many incredible problems, which i cant understand how they made it even into the game.

Bosses shouldnt be staggerable, i litterally farm the crucible boss with dual wield daggers from blacksmith lvl 2, and he cant even stand up and fight back. Its ridiculous and ive never seen this in a game.
Nerf the damage and health of the bosses and give them more phases with aoe areas to avoid and stuff like that, so it becomes alil bit challanging.
Nerf the damage of some builds and echoes in general.

Remove the stats “focus gain on dmg” its destroying the whole game.
I remember 2 things from ur first trailer, you advertised with the combat and focus system and the clearity of the bossfights. But in reality you did the exact opposite, showing me you have no clue what ur talking about. You said you dont want people to spam certain attacks from close or distance, thats why u introduced focus for all classes. So all classes have to engage in close combat with regular attacks to gain focus and then use those powerful rune attacks. But in reality you can not only gain focus from any distance, but also spam rune attacks 24/7.
Its ridiculous. Make the rune attacks stronger but make focus gain much slower and only gainable through auto attacks and without any stats which increase focus gain. Mayble only “focus gain %” but not “focus gain on damage”.

And make the boss fights clearer, because in many situations i cant see what happening, because all animations in this game are so wild which make them hard to read and on top of it, your character and enemies are being pushed arround and on top of that the fights are floated with effects. The exact opposite of ur advertisment.

Remove the stat “item weight decrease” and “carry weight increase”.
They remove the entire gear balance. They are way to strong with heavy gear and way to weak with light gear. You said you dont want transmogs, because you want players to identify builds through appearances, but again you did the exact opposite. Now most players run heavy armor, but still are in the light or medium weight class. Which makes the light armor too weak and destroys the point of armor classes and decision making.

Remove the stat “armor increase” because its simply too strong with plate armor and too weak with light armor. Which makes balancing almost impossible.

Give dual wield and two handed weapons double the stat buffs for fair balance.

Remove the pushing of enemies when hitting them. Half of my attacks miss, because the enemy is being pushed back after the first hit. And then they fall down edges and my character falls down with them in the attack animation. Which leads to the other problem, disable falling from edges while attacking. Like elden ring did. I simply cant attack enemies near edges.

Increase the backstab range, because ur animations are so bad that i cant tell where the back is and its changing during their animations.
So either fix the animations which is alot of work, or simply increase the range by alot. like up to 150 degrees behind the enemy.

I probably forgot some things and add them later on. I hope you change these things and dont waste all ur efforts into the game. Because i dont think that most players would like the state of the combat in this game. Only the mindless ones.