Chipped Daggers too low damage

Can someone please tell me why Brothers Keepers does same or even higher damage than Chipped Daggers?

The right value here is damage after attributes

( yeah i know BK rolls are pog af^^)

Hi!!! i tell you why. You must see de update level of your amament. It´s the square to the right of the weapon name. Chipped daggers are maxed, but the brothers keepers no. Only in level 1. Go to the PNJ Fillmore and upgrade your weapon.
And your weapon brother keepers is better than Chiped, for the enchanments. they arent perfect, but very good enchanments.

yeah… you might want to take a closer look. chipped daggers is supposed to deal more than double the damage, and it should do so BECAUSE I MAXED THEM OUT not the opposite. and 6% more electrical damage difference cannot account for that… but nice try kiddo :wink:

Can’t give you a video anymore, already maxed and exalted brothers keepers

Not sure what you mean. According to the images Chipped Daggers are doing more damage.
Btw, elemental damage is not shown in the stat menu.

EXACTLY why i opened up this topic…

Why should Chipped Daggers deal less damage in the first place? One weapon is upgraded the other one is not.

Or do you mean attribute scaling? CDs scale from 2 attributes so that if you have the required 26 STR and 26 DEX you will get damage from both. BKs scale only with DEX.

yeah you’re getting there that it might be bugged or just unbalanced

thank you everyone for the discussion and information, rest assured we are investigating on our end.

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