Change Chipped Spike to Poise Boost

I don’t see why there’s any reason to choose the current boost in raw damage when the other gems give just as much of a damage increase, plus they freeze/burn/plague/shock the enemy. So to make the gem slot more worth it, I’d say something like a +5 to poise damage would be more interesting. I could see some weapons benefiting more from a poise break than just going ice or such for the eventual freeze.

But that’s just my thoughts. Is anyone currently using the Chipped Spike? If so, why?

More damage.

I’m thinking that there will be a lite Pokémon paper rock scissors mechanic that will have some enemies invulnerable or strong against a certain element in the full version of the game.

So if you have a frost sword and are hitting an ice monster, it might not do anything to them.

I think they should also add a Poise attachment item too though.