Bug: Controller key didn't take the food at the first time


I wasn’t play the last days and now I found the following issue.

After assign the food to the key I need to press the button of the controller several times to eat the food.

Minimum 3 times.

I tried in the middle of a boss or other fights and also in the middle of the way without any movement.

I’m playing with an Xbox controller, also in steam I had the configuration by default and after I tried with the “Input enabled” and I think now is worst.

I can’t put any screenshot or video because you can’t see anything in the screen, only when finally you take the food.

Here you have all the other files.


There’s another recent thread about controller issues:

Please feel free to upvote it :slight_smile:



Totally agree with the post and the answers.


Yep, this has been a persistent issue since day 1. Initially I thought it was when you had used the last instance of a food stack and it had moved to another but I don’t think there actually is a pattern which causes this.


Yesterday I try a lot of stuff.

Changing the type of food, using the same, in the middle of different combats, after restart, changing the steam input, etc…

In my case, all the time I had the same result.

Also, I’m a newbie in this type of games and I think I can’t do a perfect in a boss fighti XD

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