Are rare items pointless?

So, once I got to the crucible I’ve pretty much vendored or rune-stripped every rare (blue) item I’ve come across. I’m either trying to max out a white version or get a good roll on a legendary, with rare items being the odd man out.

Anyone else feel this way?

I use blues/purples only (except a torch). You can get some really good stuff (and the effects are not constrained by the item type). Money is irrelevant, enchant costs 1 silver, loot is raining in crucible.

I tried that with falling sky staff. one i enchanted, one i kept all runes and left it at “white” rarity. And honestly? the enchanted one with the passives on it felt better, and is more fun to use.

But i partly agree. When enchanting an item, especially a weapon, it should get more than just passive traits. A bit of “oompf” is missing.

I have a tough time letting go of sure-fire focus/life on hit, base damage bump, and life on kill. Especially when the blue item might end up with a couple of “on parry” stats. I’ve got my core white weapons and then i enchant extras in hopes of something good.

I haven’t tried to compare, but i wonder if blue and purple items include automatic base damage buffs over their white counterparts. This might be a good way to make them more appealing regardless of their passives.

Also, i think it would be great if the enchanting system was influenced by the item’s current runes and infusions, giving an edge based on how many runes and gems were consumed on enchant.

I suggested something similar already in another thread. I feel like we need some additional options for enchantments. Like for example if you want to raise the chance to get one out of possible 4 traits to be an HP or healing buff, you can invest some of the red gems. right now it is pay 1 silver, and getting a “hit or miss” item.

I know from many other games, that when you want a specific buff, like a lightning/electric DoT/elemental dmg on the weapon, you need to use some sort of lightning stone or whatever.

That might also make enchanted items more appealing.

Not all weapons end in a point :rofl:

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Great dad joke, i can respect that. :+1:

Stick em with the pointy end

I agree about enchanting needing to have more out of it to differentiate it in a positive way. It would also be interesting to be able to enchant the gold unique weapons (because why not - we are supposed to be having fun with the game).

I agree about enchanting needing/will have improvements but leave the uniques alone. They are unique for a reason they are the handcrafted weapons that can do weird/crazy things for specific playstyles/users when you want to fulfill a specific fantasy.

Some unique weapons are very weak. That is also a reason enchanting them would be fun (add more on top of what is there already for a cost).