Animation desync for enemy attacks when they go out of view

Making a new topic just for this issue to bring more attention to it because I can’t seem to be finding enough similar reports.

Basically what title says: based on my testing there seems to be a bug causing enemy attack hitboxes/inputs to desync from their actual animations on screen. So far I’ve noticed this with larger enemies, like the tall Nith/Knight pole carriers and Echo Knight and specifically once they started performing an attack combo while I was sprinting away from them to the point of having them off-screen.

It is as if the attack slows down or stops happening for a sec or two once the enemy goes off-screen. As if they are temporarily thrown to another dimension, so to speak. The attack sounds momentarily cut-off or sometimes keep happening but you can just feel that the combo doesn’t line up in time.

What’s the biggest problem here though is that once they return in-view, that whole attack sequence bugs out and actual attack registers get desynced from their corresponding visuals. The animation is also bugged, sometimes the enemy model doesn’t move at all or their limbs warp in all manner of weird ways during said attack sequence.

I’ve read reports on other instances causing this attack desync like enemies hitting you when you have damage reflect attributes, maybe even more prominent when you have damage-on parry and they get hit by that mid-combo.

At any rate, that’s about it. Pretty substantial and needs prioritizing for sure, gotten killed a few times from that alone. In my case it’s probably something to do with how objects and NPCs get culled to save memory when they go off-screen. The culling right now seems to be too brutal for the adjacent world just below the player camera and accidentally disables enemies, attacks and all included?

That’s my guess anyways, thanks in advance for looking into it!