An amazing start, but far too many needless chokes to stall progress

Although the art style, beautiful world and decent combat system is an amazing start, there are so many walls here that it feels like I’m needlessly being held back from even minor progress.

10 hours in, at level 7 (yes, I’m slow), here are some thoughts:

  • Inventory space? What inventory space? - If you’re going to litter the world with collectables, and give me limited means of both traversal and storage, I’m going to need a much bigger inventory.

  • Our single storage location is almost worthless… - Why don’t we have a shared chest that can be used to craft from? Please don’t make me carry all the craftables and constantly tell me I can’t hold any more - with the only way to alleviate the pain by offloading in an loading screen tower far far away.

  • Fast travel isn’t very fast - It would be really helpful to be able to fast travel from whisper to whisper. I get the need to encourage players to traverse and revisit areas that have repopulated, but when each mob hits like a tree and requires several resources to manage… Let’s just say sometimes I’d rather head straight to an objective and make incremental progress on a specific task.

  • Often sluggish and unresponsive combat - With the performance update, combat now feels a lot better as you’re not fighting both tank-hitting enemies and FPS stutter all at the same time. That said, half the time it feels like my abilities aren’t registering and with such punishing and fast moving enemies at every level, this is a problem. Why are my enemies insanely quick while everything I do feels like I’m fighting in water?

  • Town upgrade timers are… Bonkers - I do appreciate the upgrade timers appear to keep ticking over even after the game has closed, but these wait times are a little demotivating. 4, FOUR, hours to upgrade a trade area is actually mind-blowing. If you have to time-gate upgrades, 1 hour should be the absolute upper limit for the very best upgrades, if that.

TL;DR - Less timers, more traversal control, more useful inventory space and some tweaks to combat responsiveness and speed would do this game wonders. I’m fine with a hard game with tough combat, but the artificial limiters make the game less a satisfying triumph and more of a sluggish chore.