Just my take at 107 hours

I don’t recommend it until this is at least at 1.0 stage. It’s a go ahead and check it out though. 100+ hours on it so I did enjoy it before reality set in. The gut feeling after reading the dev’s posts whats to come on twitter ( X ) whatever the :heart::heart::heart::heart: that wants to be called and all doesn’t hype me up. The game and the engine will never hold up what they have intend to do.

Mixed bag here. More I played the more I see that this game itself not the art direction which is :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: fantastic to say is all over the place.

The whole file saving needs a rework.
The backup realm needs to be disregarded.
UI needs to look less like a mobile game.
UI scaling needs to be added.
Hide UI function.
Input on controller needs some work.
KB/M functionality but highly recommend a controller for this type of game.
More enemy spawns.
Add more lore books or something along the lines.
Map needs to be a bit larger if you going have crafting here to gather materials. At this time it all feels time gated. ( Mobile game feeling) ** The rebuilding the city is fine don’t mind that**
Camera angle needs to at least rotate at some degree under user control.
Better zoom in and out than what was added.
Crafting system needs a overhaul.
House system needs a overhaul. Housing is to small for the items that are out now.
House customization needs a grid/grid lock.
Magic users need more gear and weps. Feels like they got the short end of the stick.
Be able to pet the dog!!
Less focus drain on spells.
Parry system …
Block needs to be tuned.
Stagger system needs a overhaul.
Stack size needs to be at least 50.
Gems and Enchants need a lot of work.
Stat scaling is off and needs work.
stat stacking needs a lot of work.
Rings need a lot of work.
Inventory needs to have a better sort function and allows items to automatic re-stack.
Add some music immersive sounds.
Add more lines to NPCs dialog.
Add more fishing spots and at least fish in the same spot 3 times.
Fix the fishing time press
Fix the line when fishing.
More system control options.
A tad slower day/night cycle with more life.
Different enemies during different time of day and weather.

There’s a lot more. Yes I know this is EA. I know this is an idea type of game what can be done. Alpha/Beta in one. It’s like I had 2 pages left in my notebook I took notes in to turn it into a 100 page thesis this is what it feels like after 100+ hours.

** The difficulty is fine! Just needs a lot of work with animations, User control syncing with enemies**

I just have a feeling this will play like a mobile.
They already dumb down the game by hot fix 2.
I have a feeling there will be more hand holding than anything.
I will continue to watch what this game will become but just it’s something that warns me.
Had a fun time playing tho and hope again soon if what I have a feeling about doesn’t happen.

Thank You!

So, you downvote in review after playing 107 hours?


The way you describe the game makes it sound not so great but yet you put in over a 100 hours. I find that kind of wild. Seems like quite the bang for your $36 if you got 100 hours out of it.

I disagree on several of the balance “issues”, like you want abilities to use less focus when to me it feels like you can easily spam them very often by the time you’re in the 20’s, and that’s without consumables.

I do agree with some things like stacks being increased to 50.

I don’t think the houses need a rework, just more of them. I’m nearly buying a 3rd house just to store things, so maybe add in some larger homes with 3 floors.

Rings definitely need some tweaking. The cursed ones in particular. why would I take 20% more damage to do 20% more damage if I can wear a ring that gives me 20% more damage AND 20% more armor with no downside. I don’t see the point in the curse rings, I tend to scrapem.

Parry system works great now that I’m used to it. The shield parry does feel worse than the weapon parry which is the opposite of what I’m used to in other souls-likes.

Overall as someone who is also now at the 100 hours mark, I get how some things need work, and I understand the concern about them making the game too easy, but nothing about it feels like it’s a mobile game by any means. If so, I need to get my hands on whatever mobile games you’re playing because I’ve never found something as good as NRFTW.

Edit: Just saw you downvoted a game after 107 hours. What a clown.


Down voted ya not recommended. If it had more than that like check it out I’ll thumbs up. I play more than 2 hrs. I find holes. I find how to dupe. I find out how to go through walls into other zones. Fighting under the map. Making bosses stuck in walls. Unity is a garbage engine to say. I do more than just grind.

Houses don’t need a rework? but you on your 3rd just to stash items? Ya they need to be reworked. The size of the whole source is garbage. No space.

The layout of this game is too small what they want to achieve. 3 other people in the same room, area and yet we don’t know if there will be body collision like friendly fire? Think about it.

So ya I put in some hours into it. Sorry if that makes me a clown and that makes you a simp. Time gated game play is mobile pratice. Zones re-spawning is too much of a time gate. Fog of War… excuse, Dev said they don’t want to be compared to MMO standards but yet they’re putting in MMO elements. As of right now don’t recommend it. Not until 1.0 comes out. Then we will see if it changes my mind.

Most of this is straight up bs.

The whole file saving needs a rework.
The backup realm needs to be disregarded.
UI needs to look less like a mobile game.
Gems and Enchants need a lot of work.
Stat scaling is off and needs work.
stat stacking needs a lot of work.
Fix the fishing time press
Fix the line when fishing.

Wtf are you talking about?

Add some music immersive sounds.

If this game doesn’t have immersive sounds, idk what game does.

KB/M functionality but highly recommend a controller for this type of game.

Alt mode is far superior and precise (hold RMB to move), but I do wish WASD was better. However, with remap should be fine.

Map needs to be a bit larger if you going have crafting here to gather materials. At this time it all feels time gated. ( Mobile game feeling)

For EA, It’s alright.

Magic users need more gear and weps. Feels like they got the short end of the stick.
Less focus drain on spells.

I lol’ed, at tad clueless? when Magic users have a hard time winding up, but then the easiest time at endgame. I never run out of focus. Maybe actually play magic user before giving feedback?

Camera angle needs to at least rotate at some degree under user control.

NO! Just don’t!

House system needs a overhaul. Housing is to small for the items that are out now.

It might be idk, I got the cheapest house. Maybe the more expensive ones are better?

Things that I agree on

UI scaling needs to be added.
Hide UI function.
Add more lore books or something along the lines.
House customization needs a grid/grid lock.
Be able to pet the dog!!
Parry system …
Inventory needs to have a better sort function and allows items to automatic re-stack.
Add more lines to NPCs dialog.
A tad slower day/night cycle with more life.
Different enemies during different time of day and weather.


I do think downvoting after a 100 hours is a bit silly, but I’ll still engage in good faith.

Things I agree with:

  • Saving system, this can be abused based upon certain reports.

  • Whilst I don’t think the UI looks like that of a mobile game, it could have more identity.

  • Better Keyboard and Mouse functionality. I would like to press 1, 2, 3, and 4 to trigger my runes and reserve Right-Click for parrying. This is what I am used to and prefer.

  • More Lore! I always love to immerse myself into a games lore.

  • I do think the camera should pan better when enemies are to the South of you.

  • Better stack sizes.

  • One of the few aspects of the game I actively HATE, gems and enchants in their current itteration. Too much randomizaton, too little customization.

  • Rings, @DakotaDust makes a very good point with the damage rings.

  • Inventory sorting.

  • Fishing spots taking more time to deplete. There currently aren’t many fishing spots, and herbs/veggies/meats/crabs are more easily obtainable than fish.

  • More enemy spawns, multiplayer only though.

Things I disagree with:

  • Larger maps, I think they are sizeable enough as they are, the verticality makes them bigger. Also I can make multiple realms for farming resources. Making the maps larger is too costly when there is a simple solution to address farming.

  • I dislike the city upgrades taking time, I would much rather have an animation play where they get upgraded for instant gratification. I don’t mind them costing more resources or needing more varied resources.

  • Crafting system overhaul, no, it is fine as it is. Nice and simple, although I would like more crafting recipes.

  • House system for sure does NOT need an overhaul. The housing space is completely fine, it feels nice and cozy. The chests and other storage containers however, could be smaller and contain more. Maybe with different tabs, so you can sort them better and your house doesn’t look like an episode of hoarders.

  • A grid limits building freedom and creates issues around round areas, hard pass. Item placement does feel a bit clunky though. An option to align an item relative to another item would be nice.

  • Magic users needing more items. I believe Strength/Faith doesn’t have a whole lot. And what they have doesn’t fit some roleplay aesthetics.

  • Less focus drain on spells.

  • Block system

  • Parry system

  • Stagger system, outside of stun locking bosses, that does need to be looked at.

  • That it needs work with animations, like what?

This is also very silly:

Edit: I typed that the save system can be used instead of abused.

Most of this is straight up bs.

Is it? Well good luck with Character dupes, Weapon Armor Item coin dupes. The PvP system will be destroyed the first night it opens up. This is how it’s done. So if Moon wants to have this “rank PvP” system this needs to be thought of better.

The Inventory UI** sorry another mistake** - just too blocky and big. Could have more inventory space if it didn’t look like it was made for touch screen/

Too bland. Quite. Soft.

What I meant was winding up and getting hit shouldn’t lose focus.

I am talking about a tilt. I encounter many areas where should be the background or above structures instead getting stuck on boxes that you cant break. So ya a small 90 degree tilt will be fine to see around corners. Or see the character instead of a black hole or roof of a building.

Even the 30 silver house is small and narrow.

1 Like

You know that you can give the game a positive vote while still telling people to hold off till v1.0. 100 hours for a 15 hours worth of EA is a long ass time man. Clearly you had fun with it to stick with it for this long…


It’s a 50/50 as it stands. Along with my take, others takes, performance issues. Everyone is all over the place just like what this game wants to be. And not saying that in a harsh way.
It’s a try before your 2 hrs but not recommended. I have little faith in EA titles. But with suggestions getting silly of what I read in posts it’s more of a stand still and see what happens. I want it to be good I put in the hours but that’s me and not the avg consumer.

If they did bring out an art book posters ect. I will recommend those. The art style of the game is what drew me in. The game itself is what draws you back from it as of now.

For me it’s more 30/70 (Agree/Disagree) as I the items I Disagree with, I attach more weight to. The things I Agree with or mostly smaller items, except for a few such as enchanting and inventory QOL.

Whereas, the things I disagree with are your takes on overhauling the entire core systems of the game.

For reference I assigned each Item a value between 1-5 and Items I agreed with had a total value of 19 and items I disagreed with a value of 43. Which roughly translates to 30/70.

Edit: spelling

Well they need to start doing something because this isn’t looking good or getting any better. They need to take in some feedback instead of focusing dumbing things down.

They updating pretty much everyday. Devs are amazing, game is still in early access player count doesnt matter. When it will launch it will cross 100k easily.

They also gonna add pvp in the future. With base price this game is so worth it.

If they don’t change to a server function. PvP will be dead for normal players within a day.

should probably elaborate here.

Disagree with it looking mobile, also not huge issues.

Agree 100%. Controller input often doesnt work at all, most obvious when accepting bounties, it’s prone not to work. At which point I have to use my mouse to click and accept.

I’d rather fewer more difficult enemies than more mobs. I personally would hate to see this turn into Diablo.

You can also buy most materials. I have an excess of just about everything at this point, not sure what youre crafting so much that you need the map to be bigger

I personally would love to see camera rotate. Platforming shouldn’t be difficult because of a fixed camera. I assume this is an impossibility though, art and maps are likely designed specifically for this angle, despite being full 3D

I’d love to know why?

I got everything to fit in my house quite nicely, but if they add anything more to craft size might start to be an issue. I do wish the system had a better UI that would allow for quicker set up.

Literally the strongest builds in the game are magic users. That being said, I think too many people want a traditional stand back and cast from safety type mage, and I just don’t think it’s meant to be that sort of game. Casters in this are more of battle casters, and that’s fine.

lulwut? Focus is the easiest resource to stack. You can get massive amounts of focus gain as well as focus on kill, which gets just plain silly when you have a large focus pool.

Giving the vibe you just want this to be a lolzy easymode spamfest like Diablo.

Not a fan either, something feels off to me, can’t quite place it.

Anyways the rest of these are pretty petty at this point, and are all minor things that will likely receive tweaks.

The whole file saving needs a rework.
The backup realm needs to be disregarded.

The rest you can look up to the same questions with my answers.


The focus on spell part – need to re-word it. I shouldn’t lose focus while holding down a spell and getting hit.

I mean that sort of thing happens with any any every game with local saves, not a big deal.

I read it, I just don’t understand the issue. If you have 100+ hours in, how do you not have excess of most common crafting items? Like what are you crafting so much of that’s draining your resources?

The largest amount of initial resources you need is for upgrading city, but you said there was no issue here. So where is the issue?

Why not? Try not getting hit. Casting spells at a distance is already easy mode, you basically want to take away the only risk to it.

I am not talking about myself. I am saying if they’re going to put in a crafting system, the gathering system needs to be less time gated. Meaning the “Fog of War” excuse for the map to respawn is on a too long of a timer… And not everything you can buy. Paws Husks Horns ect… is limited to one. The material system needs to balance if they want crafting in this game.

Ahh yes The rushing Axe /Hammer guys you can’t see rushing towards you off screen. Or the throwing knifes that gets thrown at you on target after a roll out.

cmon bro this is not a feedback, if you just say - X it needs alot of work.

And I disagree with these 100%, UI and housing is good.

UI needs to look less like a mobile game.

House system needs a overhaul. Housing is to small for the items that are out now.
House customization needs a grid/grid lock.

1 Like

As someone with a background in Statistics and Research Methodology, inferring data from this screenshot has little meaning.

Research Methodology I

Here is how you would go about it, in a simplified manner. You don’t need to use SPSS for this.

We would look at the average amount of players at launch, on Steam, and compare it to the average amount of players at X interval, on Steam. let’s say two weeks. We would be interested in the the Player Retention Percentage after two weeks on Steam. So we do the following:

100% = Average Players at Launch on Steam
X% = Average Players after Two Weeks on Steam

This requires a simple calculation. Now since we don’t have the data for after 2 weeks but, the latest data we have is for 11 days after launch. So let’s use that instead. And lets use both the highest point and lowest point in a day to calculate the average for launch. And for April 29th let’s total the hourly amount of players and then calculate the average. There are some concerns with this, but let’s ignore them since we want to have a simplified calculation.


April 18th 2024

Highest amount of players = 33.983
Lowest amount of players = 30.537 (Sadly hourly data is not available so this is a limitation, however, the graph does appear to be linear. Which implies this isn’t as big of a limitation.

Average* = 32.260

  • Average amount of Steam players.

April 29th 2024

0:00 = 7.739
01:00 = 7.868
02:00 = 8.178
03:00 = 8.221
04:00 = 8.676
05:00 = 8.702
06:00 = 8.135
07:00 = 8.526
08:00 = 9.166
09:00 = 9.661
10:00 = 10.897
11:00 = 13.083
12:00 = 15.095
13:00 = 16.837
14:00 = 17.303
15:00 = 17.006
16:00 = 14.904
17:00 = 12.318
18:00 = 10.536
19:00 = 9.740
20:00 = 9.086
21:00 = 8.226
22:00 = 6.980
23:00 = 6.190

Average = 10.544,71

Player Retention Percentage after 11 days on Steam = 32,69%

Wicked Mean = 32,69

Research Methodology II

Now this value on itself has little meaning since we want to know if this is good or bad. We will have to compare it to the industry average.

So, we compare it to other Early Access ARPGs.

We then do the same for ALL other Early Access ARPGs in the span of the last 10 years. It’s important here to get at least N=30 for our validity. If not we can always double the data but this comes with limitations, but we can safely ignore those as this is a simple study.

Once we have the Industry Average we have a value to compare it to. Since we are interested in whether or not Wicked does better than the industry average we use a Two-Sided Confidence Interval of 95%. We can now formulate our H0 and H1 hypotheses.

H0: Industry Mean = Wicked Mean

H1: Industry Mean ≠ Wicked Mean

After we calculate the Industry Mean we can use Z-Scores to calculate whether or not we can reject H0 and draw a conclusion.

The Z-Score associated with a 95% Confidence Interval = 1,96

Meaning that if Wicked is within 1,96 standard deviations from the Industry Mean we don’t reject H0.

The Standard Deviaton Formula for a Sample is as follows:

Standard Deviation Formula

We simply need the Player Retention Means of the other EA ARPGs in the past 10 years and N (Sample Size) to calculate this.

Once you found all these Means @KoffeeGuy you can use the following link to calculate the Standard Deviation, make sure to click Sample and not Population: https://www.calculator.net/standard-deviation-calculator.html

I have now given you, @KoffeeGuy all the tools to calculate whether or not your statement:

Is true.

Please let me know your findings as I am very interested in them :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit 1: quoted a screenshot for more clarity
Edit 2: bolded some words for more clarity

I put in much effect as they did. All there is are numbers. The numbers are not working correctly stacking correcting. And hell we don’t even know the true value of the core percentages. This game itself is a bloody mess. But this is what you get using the laughable Unity engine.