My personal feedback on the game

After about 130 hours in game I thought I would share some thoughts. I really love the idea that I can offer my own personal thoughts as the game is being developed because I genuinely feel like this game is something special. In the end I’m sure I’m gonna love it and get hours of enjoyment out of it. But here are my thoughts.


  • I love the art style and animations. I think you nailed the look and feel of the game. I genuinely love wandering around and exploring.
  • The combat feels good. Things have weight and impact and this makes for very satisfying combat.
  • The weapon variety so far is good, while assuming there will only be more added with time, so not gonna say much about this.
  • Excellent cut-scenes and voice acting. The story is still early, but it’s been very engaging so far.
  • Overall I just love the potential this game has and your ambition for this game from what I’ve heard in interviews. My personal dream for this game is a kind of Elden Ring meets Stardew Valley if that makes sense.
  • The level design is top tier!

Constructive feedback: (This is obviously just my own personal opinion and not meant to be read as “this is what you should do”.) I’m just gonna focus on a couple thoughts since there is so much we haven’t seen yet.

  • I really dislike rng in games, so I’m not a fan of the current weapon upgrade system with enchantments and such (I hate the rolling dice feeling, as most of the time it just ruins a weapon for me). I much prefer a system where I can fully control the upgrading of my equipment. I like the feeling of getting more powerful and badass over time. I would love to see an upgrade system that incorporates questing. For example, an npc who is a swordmaster who will send you on quests/challenges that once completed will allow you to add a new skill to your weapon or increase it’s damage etc. It would make me feel like my character is getting more powerful as he gains experience in combat rather than just here are more upgrade materials that I farmed for hours.
  • I know this may go against the overall genre of the game so take it for what it’s worth, but I prefer the finding of weapons to be special and not just easily found in one of the 50 chests I opened in 15 minutes of gameplay. I love the feeling of discovering something really cool after traversing a cave and beating a really cool and difficult boss. I like getting attached to a weapon and being able to upgrade it and style it to fit my characters look and style, rather than having to use a weapon I don’t like the look of but like the skill so I’m stuck with it.
  • Most of the technical issues other people have already mentioned and I’m sure you are already aware of anyways, i.e., how it’s too easy to fall off cliffs because of the isometric angle, so I won’t waste time rehashing those points.
    My biggest points are really the ones revolving around weapon upgrades and availability. I’d rather see customization options for a few types of weapons than a hundred different types of weapons that can’t be changed much if that makes sense.
    I’m really looking forward to seeing where you plan to take the game. I hope to enjoy fishing more (please make a better fishing mechanic :slight_smile: ) and farming. Perhaps even having a house that can be upgraded. I guess my most memorable time playing games is when I’m exploring and feeling like I just discovered something no one else has seen yet, like I did in Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring. So best of luck to you and I’m very excited for the next update.


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