Hello all,
Just a suggestion that I’ve seen other games do better and that could be possibly be implemented in the full version of this game.
First, when you upgrade a building in the city… it simply completes without any visual notification. Imagine upon completing and you enter the city or when you’re “in” the city already as it completes… you’d get a camera zoom-in of the area zone as it upgrades from lvl 1 to lvl 2, etc etc.
Giving a better feeling of accomplishment. Now it simply auto-upgrades and you need to look it up yourself what changed (if you can remember the differences). Could be a cool gimmick to add in the game.
An ingame wiki or logbook would be nice to have in this game. A place where all the runes/skills/weapons that you discover while exploring shows up and explains what they do.
Same with enemies, example killing 10,20,50 of a certain type unlocks more lore/explanations of their weaknesses, their skillset, what they possibly drop, etc etc… Could be useful once the world becomes very large and you’d like to figure out each mobs weaknesses/Strengths (not every player can memorize an entire game).
For npcs and area’s it could be an immersive way to have more lore backgrounds showing up in your journal.
Some people like to be completionists and having some sort of “collecting” mechanic in a game is always fun, especially if completing gives some sort of reward.
Cheers for reading!