@RomoloHero Okay, lets establish something before we delve deeper, how do you envision “snacks” to be used?
Personally I find them to be a quick eat’n’go. They quickly replenish the players health so they can get back into the fight.
Whilst for the “Elaborate Meals”, you state yourself that you want them to…
and therefore should be treated like a feast, meaning that the player would have to sit down to consume such a meal.
Whilst “snacks” consist of consumables such as kebab, berries (going back to our convo about berries being a consumable on your farming post) and other types of consumables that come in snack form.
So yes, I agree with this, that “snacks” can be mass produced… but I also believe everything type of meal should be allowed to be mass produced. However the difference with “Elaborate Meals” is that they aren’t immediately consumed after consumption but can be consumed several amount of times (example: 5 times per consumable?), the reason why I think this would be fair is due to the nature of only being allowed them to be consumed at camps.