the game has already a good amount of katanas BUT whats about the people who want a two handed katana so it dosent look like you are using only one hand for a katana. would it be possible to add a nodachi or give us the ability to change the wieldingstyle of our weapons like in darksouls or eldenring (switching from one to two handed)
I’d love a 2H Katana. Vote +1
Im for this they could litterallly just make it a greatsword with a “skin” and slip It in there with a unique moveset
If they follow the naming pattern of existing weapons, they’d likely make a “two-handed katana” category.
Can we get more weeby and add unsheathe abilities or smth?
Could take some time to load, but when it does, oh boy. I love that!
Because currently, I feel as weapons are kind to the same, regarless of type. Sure a sword has another moveset as a katana, however the runes feel very similar. In the end, a katana is the straight sword for dex users.
Wadda think?
We definitely need two handed katana.
Katana is originally made to be used with two hands.
Wielding a katana with one hand is irregular, even if some people do occasionally.
Rather, all katanas should basically be treated as two-handed weapons, and only lightweight, small katanas should be considered as one-handed weapons.