Sword: 42 str req: wrong damage number

I have two swords, one fully upgraded wooden sword and one fully upgraded governor’s sword. the wodd sword has more damage than the 42 str. req. governor’s sword. Is that intended? Because it also has no other benefits, only the str requirement is much higher. both have same armor break number. (see screenshots).

I think this is intended, yes. Weapons have different attack animation and speed, so swapping might be worth it. All weapons also have min/max base damage they roll. So you Governor Sword might be a bad base damage roll. There is also a cost of Bear Paws to upgrade lower tiers to T3. Native T3 weapons doesn’t have that cost.

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Weapons got range and difference can be huge, I saw polerm sold by wood vendor wit range from lowest 19 and highest 27

thank you guys for your replies :slight_smile: