Silver farm relm changes

What’s the deal here guys? You can only farm your primary relm for silver?
There are only two silver deposits. Farm them, and no other relm updates. Also mobs, and chests not respawning.What’s this crap why even have multiple relms. Sux!!!

Multiple Realms are actually a feature i love. Your can just hop realms to check vendor inventories, which are different for each realm.

You can also just replay the story quests with an OP character (like NG+).

While i partly agree, that Silver is almost a bit too rare, Vendors and Crucible are so far enough for me to get the silver i need.
I assume when there are new Maps/Areas added, that we will get more resource nodes.

Right now i see more of a problem for resources WITHOUT any form of node/farming. For example bear paws or birch wood. But even then i’d rather wait for the new maps, since they will for sure provide us with some way of obtaining there resources outside of random crucible drops.

In any case, i don’t think this is a bug.

You misunderstood what I was saying. Twins are not updating. Chests, mobs, silver not respawing. Thank you, I run crucible nonstop for resources. Not the same as being able to strait up farm your relms for just silver.

Still don’t get it.

So what you are saying is, when you open a chest in Realm A it is also looted in Realm B and C?
Or when you kill an enemy in Realm A, the enemy does not spawn in Realm B?

Basically your Realms are "mirrored?

Yes, that is correct. I have 11 relms. Two are on the same stage, one is one boss behind, and the others are basic with upgraded merchant. Silver looted on one did not down on any others. Like chests don’t respawn, as well as mobs. I understand that there is a weird time for spawn, and is not set time. However once a twin is looted no silver, and no same mobs or chests.
Crucible chests, and birch tree spawn every run.

I have done verify files, and uninstall, reinstall. Still not working.
I guess it’s time to move on to another game.
I understand resent access, however no response from support team does not give me confidence.

be patient, they probably did some overtime for the recent patch and there is a lot going on right now, as the patch has just been released, and the forum is flooded with new posts.

let things calm down and sort themselves out. I will try this later as well, to see if it is also happening the same way in my realms, then i can give you a perspective from one player to another.

don’t give up yet. This will not be the last of changes.

Thats interesting, that might actually be something lore related.

It could be that the realms are connected. Thinking of
Spoiler Alert for Dragons Dogma :


The realms could be interconnected through the story like in Dragons Dogma, where the rift connects all the online players and previous and upcoming gameruns.

Spoiler Alert for this game:


Also when you beat the game, Rattigan is in the mines at the end of the game and says something about “at least in this world”.

That would be actually very nice.

Or its just a bug :wink:

I tested it just now. with 2 realms in the same state of the story (all main bosses done, none had crucible finished). Both had Grinnich upgraded to lvl 3, and all shortcuts unlocked in nameless pass.

i went the “short route” to the nameless pass quarry silver node. ON the way i chopped the same 2 trees, collected the same chest next to the first crane, killed the enemies on the first bridge and collected the silver after the short climb in the quarry.

I can not confirm your findings. every tree was “chopp-able” in both realms. Chest could be looted in both realms, enemies were different, but roughly at the same spot in both realms. The silver node was also present in both realms, even after mining it in the first realm.

Also checked the merchant inventory (grinnich), challenges and bounties. all were different in both realms.

So as before the patch, i could farm all spots i tested in both realms, kill everything in both realms, and i have 3 silver now (1 node dropped 2, the other 1 ore).

So far i can not confirm your report. Can you specify how this happened?

Or did you mean, when u farmed all nodes in every realm, quit out and spawn back in they are not instantly respawned? because i think that is as intended. otherwise you could just farm 100 silver in 5 minutes by closing the game and loading back in

They don’t spawn period if one relm has been looted. Chests, silver, mobs. I tried 11 relms. I will start another and see what happens.
As I stayed in earlier post I understand there is a respawn timer, however I should be able to loot 11 relms. I had no problems before the patch.

Oh I have an idea…
maybe, the game checks the time since it has been run.
then it adds this time to the open respawn timers
But it does not do that for each realm individually, just for the first one.

And if you farmed everything in every realm, log out and log in 8 h later,
it “resets” the one you log in… but not the other ones.

Could you try that?

for me it worked just fine. Any idea what could have caused that for you?

If this is a bug it might help narrowing down what caused it.

Maybe its some unfortunate timer overlap? meaning maybe you looted some before the patch, patched the game and for some reason the timer did not reset?

Try again tomorrow, at different times of the day, with different characters?

I just tried it again with a different character and a third realm that is story wise not as far (still needed some shortcuts in quarry etc.). Everything was where it was supposed to be. I even found 2(!) bear paws at grinnich’s shop :scream:

when i switched back with that character to one of the first 2 realms i already looted it was as expected. enemies respawned at nightfall and node and chests were on respawn cooldown.

I’ll try again tomorrow with a different character/realm combination.

Are you saying I need to log into every relm to get then to reset?
I don’t farm every day, only even I need silver. After 11 relms I’m usually done for several hours then when I log back in I usually run crucible few times. Then log out again.
Relms always reset before patch. Now if relm one gets looted items not available in any other relm

I did loot all nodes before patch.
I tried again this morning after a uninstall, reinstall same thing. I’ll try again later.
I’ll log all relms, and log out.
I have tried on different characters no joy.

i think the point was, that the respawn timer is initiated when you log into your first realm.

but i doubt that is the problem, since merchant inventory respawns, finley spawning etc are on a “real time” timer, not a realm timer. So i naively assume the respawn timer is in real time too.

this issue definitely sounds strange and i will try it again tomorrow.

maybe someone else has this issue too and can share their findings?

Created another relm. Was able to loot all chests, silver nodes, and kill mobs.
Then ran relm 1, same all mobs, chests, silver nodes.
Relm 3-11, all mobs there, 98% of chests there, no silver nodes spawned. Will check again this evening.

Did my own little testing, when trying to figure out how to gain silver ore reliably, with my limited playtime.

Premise: What I knew:

  • Each realms progress is individual from other realms.
  • Home chests are tied to realm, usable by all characters.
  • Each characters inventory, is tied to the character, not realm.


  • I had couple realms, with different realm states (Riven twins killed vs. Riven twins not killed).
  • Created two characters, to be left at both silver nodes at each realm (Nameless pass quarry and Iona’s Cavern).
  • In my main realm, I left these characters to Sacrament, so I can drop silver to home chests and repair pickaxe.

Testing part 1:

  • I mined both silver nodes, each node with different character, left my character next to the node, hopped to main realm, dropped silver ore to home chest and logged off.
  • Next day, I logged into the characters, and silver nodes hadn’t respawned in any realms. Other stuff, further from the character had respawned.
  • I realised that it was probably due to the proximity map thing, where when you leave certain area, the map fades overtime and things in the faded are start to respawn.

Testing part 2:

  • I moved both characters further away from their silver nodes, hopped to main realm and logged off.
  • Next day, I logged into the characters, the map around the silver ore had faded, and silver nodes had respawned, but only on some realms.
  1. All of the Iona’s Caverns silver nodes had respawned.
  2. Nameless pass quarry’s node had only respawned in the realms, where Riven Twins were killed.

Testing part 3:

  • I went and killed Riven Twins to progress the story on the realms where nodes hadn’t respawned at the Nameless Pass quarry.
  • Then I repeated the setup, characters further away from silver node, log off from main realm, sing in next day
  • Now silver nodes respawned on each realm.

Closure of the small testings:

  • I assume map needs to fade, so the resources start the respawn timer.

Two things I’m unsure about:

  1. Unsure, if the respawn timer is fixed or if it fluctuates.
    I’m leaning on fluctuating, because sometimes I have one realm, where the node hasn’t respawned, when it has respawned in all other realms.
    Realm progress is at the same state, all current quests completed, no visits to the realm between node checks, time between switching to different realms is really short (likely under a minute).
    Either respawn timer is fixed and I’m checking the worlds just when the node should respawn, or respawn timer fluctuates, or there’s a bug with respawn timers, or it’s something else i’m missing…

  2. Unsure, if going into faded area “mid-respawn”, resets the respawn timer.
    I’m leaning on it resets the timer.
    It would make sense, because the map comes unfaded.
    Hard to test before I know if the reset timer is fixed or if it fluctuates (and what is the range for fluctuation).

  • I assume realm needs to be in current “completed state” (Riven Twins killed) for silver to respawn at Nameless Pass quarry.
    It made sense to me in my testings, but it’s still possible that I just made a human error and the realm state is irrelevant.
  • Might test this theory with Iona’s Cavern also: New realm, don’t kill Warrick, mine the silver node at cavern, check if it respawns at all.


  • I’m enjoying the multiple realm -setups and setting up “node farms” was fun for me. It might become trivial for the silver ore in the long run when we get more areas and resource locations into the game. Might be useful for the next high-end resource we need thou.

  • Node farming with proximity map could be nerfed, by setting it so that nodes doesn’t respawn if you have a character in the larger area (Nameless Pass / Iona’s Cavern). It would be a small nerf, cause you can still use the “teleport to Last Whisper” from Sacrament to get near the nodes. It would make a node runs slightly longer, Iona’s Cavern a bit more annoying. Don’t neccessarily think this would be needed. And it could also be annoying for casual players…

  • Currently having multiple realms is also useful for other hard-to-get items; multiple Grinnichs shops for materials (Birch, Bear Paws etc.) and for multiple Randolph daily and weekly quests (Blueprints, Bonus ichors etc.).
    Sidenote: Would be lovely to see what blueprint the quest gives.

TLDR: Multiple realms good, should put test things in excel :saluting_face:

I did that too in the past. I’d log out while standing at the silver ore deposit, thinking it would be far more convenient to just be there the next time I played. But when I did that the ore never respawned. I had to log out from somewhere else (I did it in town) in order for the ore to respawn.

Since then, I always go back to town before logging out.

This seems unintuitive—more like a real version of the “watched pot never boils” meme. I can see that it might be intentional, but it’s strange if it is. Things only respawn after a certain period of time and if a character isn’t close enough to observe them respawning …

I just checked it again, and it still works for me, also with new created realm and character.

So everything works for you now, except the silver ore nodes? They still do not spawn?

Do you by any chance log off next to them? Maybe if you log off the realm next to the node, your “lingering character” prevents the node from respawning.

Try going back to sacrament after mining it and check if it respawns then.