Instead of using A/X for sprinting, dodging, and auto-jumping (as it works currently), move dodge and auto-jump to B/Circle. B/Circle isn’t used for anything except backing out of UI/menus right now. If B/Circle is a dedicated dodge button, then you can also use that for jumping. So, sprinting would work as it does now by holding A/X, dodging would be a tap of B/Circle, and to jump you’d hold B/Circle near a ledge.
The downside to this is you won’t be able to complete jumps quite as fluidly, but I think it’s a small sacrifice. I’m also an advocate for fully customizable controls, but I think B/Circle should be the default dodge and jump button instead of A/X as it is now.
Another benefit of putting dodge and jump on B/Circle would be that it allows us to add a “toggle to auto-sprint” option. This would allow you to tap A/X and then sprint around without holding it if you’d like. That may cause a bit of additional stamina burn in combat, so I would also suggest removing the stamina cost for sprinting in combat. Every other combat action costs stamina, so I don’t think it will matter much if we get to sprint for free in combat.
With fully customizable controls, we’d also be able to map the toggle sprint to clicking the left stick, like in many other games. That would actually be my preferred option for toggling sprint. In that case, A/X could actually remain as a dedicated jump button while dodge would go on circle. So overall here’s my ideal controls (which I personally feel should be the default)
What is the benefit except for different key bindings?
Controller remapping will come soon.
Or is there another change here that I am missing?
The title makes it sound like there should be something different about jumping but you just want it another button right?
The difference is, having a dedicated jump button allows us to decide when our character jumps instead of the game deciding we should jump because we got too close to a ledge. I’m not exaggerating when I say about 90% of my deaths in this game have come from falling/jumping to my death due to unintended actions that I had no control over.
Because currently the character does not jump of, but instead jumps when you run off.
So no matter if jumping had a separate button or not, when you run off a cliff you just fall.
So additionally walking of edges would need to be blocked, which would really take away from the game-feel of free movement and an open world.
I mean, giving the option does not hurt anyone, so implementing it together with controller remapping seems like a good idea.
But it wont stop people who are running off edges right now from doing so.
The character just wont after running off…
Sorry maybe my title wasn’t accurate. I have edited it now. I’m not saying we need to change how jumping works fundamentally. We can still just jump when pressing/holding a specific button near a ledge. I’m just saying that moving the default to a button that’s different from the sprint button would be preferable to prevent accidental jumps. I think B/Circle is the best option for this as it’s currently unused outside of UI and it’s the default dodge button in many games. Having dodge and jump on the same button shouldn’t be an issue, but having sprint and jump on the same button is leading to many players falling to their death frequently.
A/X remains hold to sprint. B/Circle becomes dodge and hold to jump near ledge. I would also like an auto-sprint option that can be toggled with A/X instead of holding it.
Agree, we can also press down on analog stick. Walking in this game is very slow, so i hold down sprint button most of the time, and character always auto jump off the edge(when you approach ladders/vines) which lead to a lot of frustrating death.
Great point! Yes, I’d actually prefer to be able to just click the left stick to toggle sprinting as in many other games. I’ve edited my original post to include this.
I think the best solution is just making jumping a manual move… Just let us jump whenever we want with a separate button. Platforming doesn’t feel good when the jumping is automatic. It kinda plays itself basically. If you want to have an auto-jump option for those who don’t wanna do precise platforming, then that’s fine, but this being the only option is very frustrating for someone like me who loves platforming and jumping around in games.
Not to mention the accidental jumps of course.
I would agree with you on that. I think a lot of players would get frustrated if a regular/manual jump was the only option because the platforming would probably be tricky in a lot of spots with the iso view. However, like you said, if we can have both options that would be great. Not sure which one should be the default, but it would be cool to have options.