Rogue Messer(dual dagger) damage

Guys, am I missing something? Why is the damage so erratic? Sometimes I deal 1-4 damage, sometimes 10-20+. And it’s the same moveset. Please explain

Without having ever picked those daggers up it seems obvious that the motion values on the first 2 basic attacks are very low while the motion values on the last hits are very high. Which would be a cool design and an interesting way to make a unique weapon, except currently you can just spam Dual Breaker or Dashing Stab with infinite focus to stunlock everything to death so your normal attacks don’t matter at all. This is why none of the unique weapon movesets feel meaningful because the game is in practice about mashing the same interchangable Focus attacks over and over.

Don’t like focus, I just hit

So, u think its just part of weapon? small damage at first hits?

Yes, a unique property of the weapon moveset.

I hope it’s bug :smiley:
I want deal more amount of damage with first attacks :cowboy_hat_face:

I played with these for a bit… the initial attack does almost nothing, which makes them completely useless vs Shield Mobs and such since you can’t be opportunistic, you have to land a combo.

Hopefully they balance out the hits a bit more considering the way you usually play daggers.

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The 3rd hit in the combo can be turned into a heavy attack, and that one deals massive damage. I think it feels odd to play with, at least the way I approach it. Hit and run, dash in for some quick attacks, dodge out. It’s next to useless with these weapons because the first strikes barely scratch the enemy. You need enough time to land three attacks (preferably with the 3rd strike being a heavy attack) and most enemies will have enough time to counter attack before you finish.

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Bringing this back up for attention.

@Caiden_Boulton can you perhaps see if anyone on the weapons team can look into this?

Normal string of the attack for these daggers deals very low damage during the first two inputs, the final input/portion of the string seems to do normal damage.

The odd part about it, is the first part of the string, during the dash version deals what I assume is correct damage.

The issue lies in here with just a normal attack string not dealing proper damage vs the dash version of the same string etc

Thank you, we are investigating the issue. :+1:

Thanks man!

To note. I think the same applies to bleeders delight daggers as they use rogue messer as their base.