Please, do not copy other games

The feedback forum packs a lot of suggestions to improve the game, whether its about the game-play, loot system, rewards, enchanting etc etc…

We know that its still in early access and that its far from complete, and we know that some in-game features are currently tedious, yet i see many trying to suggest solutions and ideas while referencing other games of the somehow the same genre – Diablo, PoE, etc … and while the suggestions might solve a problem or not, or whether the in-game mechanics they are suggesting might feel familiar due to players being adapted to other games systems, i would implore the developers not to copycat other games in such matters. Personally speaking, i vote not to re-play or re-create the same game systems/mechanic or whatever technical terms you want to use.

This game feels unique so far, i hope the developers keep that vibe and continue to think outside the box and come up with good and different ideas.

Best of luck

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Many aren’t advocating for copying other systems, aside from the not-very-subtle requests for Flasks a la Dark Souls. The goal of games in the same genre is to learn from each other and either improve upon what they have done, or make it into your own.

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