Please do not add difficulty sliders/settings to the game. It would be a waste of resources and time IMO

It is totally common to use “easier” versions of songs with adapted less difficult parts, or leave out high pitch notes in covers.

If the resources are there or not is up to the devs. So, to stay in that metaphor. Why do you care about little Timmy asking for a less difficult version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star because he needs a less difficult version to learn his flute?

I am really baffled by how people are fiercly fighting against people who only ask for adjustable difficulty… only for asking. Or, like in this case, even proactively. To me this opinion appears self-centered. Even if it would be wasted time for the devs… why would you care if it exists or not?

How does it affect you?

Also: Easier difficulty settings/assists

And now, let the shitstorm begin! :poop:

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