Nerf Mentality, Fixing Armor Issues, Making Enchanting Better

Based on your talking points:

Addressing Nerf Mentality

I agree with the base sentiment that a lot of player simply want to nerf stuff to ‘‘fix’’ things.

However, certain elements should be nerfed or removed even in my opinion. Mainly focus gain on rune usage.

I’d much rather see some sort of overhaul of the rune system where we have cooldowns on runes. A lot of people will disagree with me on this. But, how many videos are there where people are spamming 1 rune rather than using all 4 rune slots. I’d much rather use different runes for different circumstances, than default to 1 rune over and over. It messes with the core loop of the gameplay too much, rune spam that is.

Fixing the Armor Issue

Here is my analysis, it includes a poll and results:


  • Too much incentive to Plate > Mesh > Leather > Cloth

  • Too little incentive to Cloth > Leather > Mesh > Plate ← Solution

I would add this incentive before implementing armor type unique incentives.


I want more crafting and not play the Blacksmith Lottery/Gacha, so I agree with you.

Talking about Enchanting Fixes

Enchanting is has too much Randomization and too little Customization.

I agree with you on the differences between rare and cursed gear being weird and curses in general being odd.

This was my solution to the enchanting issue: