My impression for the Game

My Specs:
Intel i5-11400H @ 2.70GHz
16gb ram
Nvidia RTX 3060

First of all, the theme and graphics are really good. I’ve noticed some glitchy textures, but it’s understandable given it’s EA. However, the performance is horrible, especially after the cutscenes. I don’t know what’s really causing it - maybe the rain or fire, or the huge asset it requires to load? I might suggest pre-rendered cutscenes; maybe that would solve it.

The enemies are well-designed, and the parry is satisfying when I manage to pull it off. The stealth mechanic is also cool. I really love that there is friendly fire between enemies; not many games do that.

The exploration is amazing; finding hidden paths, items, etc. However, the gathering speed should be sped up, in my opinion, as it can become repetitive and grindy. Maybe better tools will speed it up?

All NPCs are alive, and each has voiced dialogue. I almost couldn’t stop talking to all the NPCs, and even after the inquisitors arrived, NPC dialogues would change! I’m so amazed by it.

I’m mind-blown by the game, and it might be the game of the year, alongside DD2 or the upcoming ER DLC. As long as you guys fix the performance, more players will be willing to try and play your game and give more positive feedback.

Here’s my livestream footage: 4 hours gameplay, I was able to defeat the first boss and reach the city, but there the game started having more performance issues.
[Link to the livestream footage: Twitch]