[MY EYES BLEEDING] Could you improve/dim weapon elemental particle effect performance?

I got my best ice/elec weapon.

However, when I switch them on, the elemental effect of ice/elec make the FPS drop so much like form 70/80 to around 30.

Another thing, please make constant weapon elemetal effect less less shining, especially in very dark dungeon/env, long time playing staring my char with this level lighthing/ice effect white falshing makes my eye bleed literally.

Now I have to switch back to my normal or pleague weapon which does not have so much particle effect, making my GPU and EYES much comfortable.

I play dual electric daggers and I like the lighting effect around it. Even in dark dungeons everything is fine. Maybe it’s worth adjusting the gamma a little?

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Thank you for reply.

But it is not about gamma, it is about contrast, a very falshing thing keeping moving very fast for a long time, if you play liken 3-4 hrs, you eyes will tell your.

And the FPS drop.
Basicly, elemental weapons on, FPS drop 30.

Fps drop should indeed be looked at.

Ice/cold effect seems ok with me
Haven’t tried lightning/poison yet
Fire effect is insane, and whilst I love the idea of it, perhaps it can be toned down by 10% :sweat_smile:

What system?
I have an I7-9700 and a 2070 super. On the performance preset, rendering at 60% and the maximum camera distance, the game produces 60 fps (I set the limit to 60), with drop in the city or in a bright place with weather effects of 45-50. In this case, the card does not heat up above 60 degrees as a rule.
At the same time, as I already said, I run with dual electric daggers.

And, I did not notice any discomfort associated with contrast for the eyes. But everything is individual here.

They are just too much, and kinda ruint he grim feeling of the game.