Hello everyone!
1st thing, sorry about my english I’m spanish and my english is not the best english but I’m gonna try to explain my experience.
I never play a game like this, I’m a World of Warcraft gamer that also enjoy short games like Limbo, Inside, The longing, or other games like Detroit Become Human. I never played a game like this, like souls, Diablo…
but I’m an Ori lover (including a tattoo in my arm) and I decide to support this game and try it.
Right now I’m not sure if that was a good idea XD
The 1st day of the launching I started… and well… I think I died for all of you but I don’t know why I never felt the frustration.
And I found my first bug, plants, stones and enemies never appear again and I created a new world to start again.
Every day I suffered a lot with every death but at least I saw some advance day by day… until the first boss.
That day I discovered one of the hardest thing to me, the parry. After several kills and deaths I can’t do a parry correctly.
Finally I killed him and my feelings was really good and was better when I discovered that the first area change to secure(green).
After that… Sacramenta, a beautiful place that I enjoyed trying to investigate all the areas.
My work continues with the new missions and the new areas… How many times have I died? I don’t want to know.
At some point I had 2 missions, Servant of God and Rats and Raiders.
I decided to go to finished Servant of God because apparently the Rats and Raiders area maybe was harder than the nameless pass… later I discovered that was a bad idea.
After finished Servant of God and suffer a lot with that boss, the Rats and Raiders area changes from Risk(yellow) to Danger (red) and my first thinking was…
Why I didn’t this before? Specially when I discovered that Servant of God was in the principal missions but you can’t continue if you don’t have Rats and Raiders finished.
At that point I started a horrible/repeatible/not funny gathering of plants, minerals, clothes, kills, etc… to prepare my self to do this, this include:
- Food
- Improve weapons and armours
- Leveling.
I started at 14th level, the area change from red to yellow, I think around the 20th level.
Today I killed him and open the cerim crucible at 22 level and I know that I’m gonna die a lot.
After all of that I like this game and I never think that a game like this could be work for me.
Also some things like mushroom or some movements remember me some things from Ori.
I want to continue playing this game and try to improve my self.
I’m not going to request to reduce the complexity or do more easy the combats; I only need 2 things:
- Please, do something with the up cross buton for the food in combat, think of the newbies.
- The “arenas” that we can found on the top of Sacramenta, do it fightable; have a place to train parry or test weapons/runes, etc… without die could help me to continue in the next updates.
Sorry for the long post and thanks for read until here!
To finish, I want to say thank you to the studio to do an amazing/beautiful game that people that come from Ori can enjoy too.