My experience as a newbie

Hello everyone!

1st thing, sorry about my english I’m spanish and my english is not the best english but I’m gonna try to explain my experience.

I never play a game like this, I’m a World of Warcraft gamer that also enjoy short games like Limbo, Inside, The longing, or other games like Detroit Become Human. I never played a game like this, like souls, Diablo…
but I’m an Ori lover (including a tattoo in my arm) and I decide to support this game and try it.

Right now I’m not sure if that was a good idea XD

The 1st day of the launching I started… and well… I think I died for all of you but I don’t know why I never felt the frustration.

And I found my first bug, plants, stones and enemies never appear again and I created a new world to start again.

Every day I suffered a lot with every death but at least I saw some advance day by day… until the first boss.

That day I discovered one of the hardest thing to me, the parry. After several kills and deaths I can’t do a parry correctly.

Finally I killed him and my feelings was really good and was better when I discovered that the first area change to secure(green).

After that… Sacramenta, a beautiful place that I enjoyed trying to investigate all the areas.

My work continues with the new missions and the new areas… How many times have I died? I don’t want to know.

At some point I had 2 missions, Servant of God and Rats and Raiders.
I decided to go to finished Servant of God because apparently the Rats and Raiders area maybe was harder than the nameless pass… later I discovered that was a bad idea.

After finished Servant of God and suffer a lot with that boss, the Rats and Raiders area changes from Risk(yellow) to Danger (red) and my first thinking was…
Why I didn’t this before? Specially when I discovered that Servant of God was in the principal missions but you can’t continue if you don’t have Rats and Raiders finished.

At that point I started a horrible/repeatible/not funny gathering of plants, minerals, clothes, kills, etc… to prepare my self to do this, this include:

  • Food
  • Improve weapons and armours
  • Leveling.

I started at 14th level, the area change from red to yellow, I think around the 20th level.

Today I killed him and open the cerim crucible at 22 level and I know that I’m gonna die a lot.

After all of that I like this game and I never think that a game like this could be work for me.

Also some things like mushroom or some movements remember me some things from Ori.

I want to continue playing this game and try to improve my self.

I’m not going to request to reduce the complexity or do more easy the combats; I only need 2 things:

  • Please, do something with the up cross buton for the food in combat, think of the newbies.
  • The “arenas” that we can found on the top of Sacramenta, do it fightable; have a place to train parry or test weapons/runes, etc… without die could help me to continue in the next updates.

Sorry for the long post and thanks for read until here!
To finish, I want to say thank you to the studio to do an amazing/beautiful game that people that come from Ori can enjoy too.

I was really expecting a rant about the games difficulty when i started reading, but damn was i wrong. You soldier through, you beat the freaking bosses, thats what soulsgame is all about, thats the “git gud” people think its a meme to make fun of new players, or somekind of stupid flex.
The more you play the easier it gets, you learn enemies movesets and bosses paterns, very nice job, especially if you never played a soulslike game before.

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Thanks for your words!
Of course I think the game is harder but after see some gameplays I saw that more or less I defeat the bosses in a proper level, that give me some hope to continue XD

I think in this case request easier option or story mode is not an answer for games like this.

I only need a place to practice the parry without die XD

Keep going you do pretty well. Maybe you feel better after my words: I play a lot of Souls Games and i died a lot in this game and ffs i have stop counting how many times i died from fall damage x) so you doing a great job!

Take your time and look what monsters do. When parry is to hard dodge with the roll (thats what i do im the “rolling man” x)

See boss fights like wow bosses, they do there movesets and you have to react like on boss abilities in wow :slight_smile:

I wish you good luck and have fun with this game in a good way :slight_smile:

Im hyped for this game and the wow expansion aswell x)

Puma :slight_smile: