Mouse and Keyboard control... or lack of it

I refunded the game on Steam as the Mouse and Keyboard control was abysmal. I saw after purchasing that it was optimized for controller. I am allergic to controllers.

I do not know that it is a keybind issue. While I am not a fan per se of Diablo 3 and 4 click to move (thousands of clicks per round) I still felt I had control.

Being able to control jumps, enemy targeting etc… is SO important. I realize I am not the only one with this gripe.

I truly wanted to love this game. And still may… IF… the Mouse and Keyboard control become awesome.

why refund the game and not wait for update tough?

Limited window for refunds. The game was unplayable. I was not going to HOPE it was changed. So I refunded. I believe I will purchase when resolved.