Magic is OP need to be nerf

I’ve a magic stick with 2 magics: Light chain and LIght supernova and both are totally OP. i could take down anyone with 1 magic shot and a single hit.
Against the spike twing is enough block few times and use magic to take them down in one minute.

Don’t tell them, don’t tell them! How can I delete everything in the game if they patch it out?!

But yes, I realized the day after release that focus is a resource tied to pretty damn strong shit. Not specifically staves or magic, runes in general can blast through everything that comes in your way.

I’m using a Claymore with the fire throw rune, the attack boost rune an the heal rune. And oh boy, is it strong. Buff with the attack boost rune, fire throw at the enemies and everything dies. Four, FOUR uses of fire throw could have been enough to delete Darak from existence, had I not stopped using it after seeing the insade damage it did the first time. I wanted to enjoy that fight lol.

And the healing rune, if utilized well, is enough to almost completely remove the need of healing items.

So I kind of agree that magic is pretty strong at the moment. Should they tone it down? I’m not sure, I’d actually prefer if they made changes on focus as a resource rather than magic directly… But focus is also used for bows, so I don’t know how could it be reworked around that.

maybe add a new recource (mana)