Item pickup / item selection feedback

So some additional feedback to the inventory. The root of these problems is the lack of inventory space but a lot has already been said about that so I will just leave some other comments.

  • When picking up items let us also discard inventory items on the same screen. Most times I have to exit the pick item screen, open my inventory, discard something and then pick up the item again.

  • If the items we are trying to pick up are usable, give us the option to use it immediately without actually having to add it to our inventory.

  • When picking up loot from the ground we cannot actually see the items characteristics, meaning we have no way to decide if it is worth discarding something or not.

  • Let us create a queue of the consumable items to use.
    Too many times I have ran out of some healing item and then it something is randomly select. This happened to me on the fight with Echo Knight, I used the last of my currently selected healing and it selected something with very limited healing instead of other (better) options I had.

  • (Mouse and keyboard) When pressing “F” key to select something is not easy. This is because when we have many options we have to scroll through the items and when you try to click to select the item we want, it actually continues to scroll past it.