Item Duplication

Not sure if this is a known issue but there is a Easy way to Dupe Items that Completely Breaks the Game. Hopefully this helps.


Well the game is breaking on the monster side, so this is fair imo. Also the devs know people are doing this and plan to flag people as cheaters and put them in there own community which is genius. Why do you care if other people want to play a game they want? Let me know how this effects you if anyone dupes? This game is hard as hell to play with out duping items. Like if you see all the forums on how hard it is. I think this is intential. Because I would quit the game if it got removed. I want to have fun not play grind game. If I wanted to do that, I can go back to Diablo 4.

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Also wanted to note it take 20 total ichors to unlock a character fully. So less time having to grind ichor and more time having fun playing the game.

Thanks for the honest opinion. I wanted to at least show the devs that this is possible as I personally hope it gets fixed. I played through the game completely and was trying to make a good set of lvl 1 daggers for a new character. I farmed for like 8hrs to get the enough silver to buy and enchant until I got good rolls. Then I put them in a chest and left to menu. I loaded in on second character and they were gone. So I loaded in on main and same thing. This caused me to find this glitch which also has a real negative. Think if you just dropped an awesome item but you have to log out. You put the item in a chest and leave game. The game doesn’t save so now the item is gone forever… not fun and very frustrating. I realize I showed the opposite here but still a problem. Also this could get people flagged unknowingly, a person could enter your shard and do this when you are not on it and get everyone flagged. As the shards will be active all the time and there will be no one person that is hosting the world. This could cause people to be put into the “cheater” bracket. Whole I agree game is hard and takes a lot of time I personally think that’s great and hope the devs do a wipe right before 1.0 so this stuff doesn’t ruin it

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This is a thing too… So duping items via backup is not the only way to dupe.

Yeah, thanks for the info. I feel this one is a bit more serious than the one you just sent as it can be done completely in game. Having to copy and edit files will stop a good few people as they won’t feel comfortable with it as well as if this is on console them not have the ability to necessarily do that without really knowing what they are doing. Like you said people will find a way to cheat but in my opinion it would be best to make it as hard as possible to do so. Not only because I don’t agree with it but because some people might unknowingly do it and get flagged

To be honest doping exp potion is pretty much best way to make alts since there is no respec in place right now. To test builds out and see what works best in end game. So far I see ruins are the best in game so far and staffs.

Tbh as long as theres no respec im fine with this. As long as the game crashes and requires backups, it’s fine.

They could absolutely put homes and merchants on their own save file. Depending of course if homes actually bug out or not

Does this still work? For all items/ weapons? There are some things I want to test out

Yes I made the video last night so that I could post it to the bugs in the hope they would fix it

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Just wanted to note, you can dupe realms. By copying a realm and changing it file name and name in the file using Notepad++. I just tested this and it works.

Fair enough, if the game is not multiplayer, wym? I would be pissed if this was a multiplayer game AND the dupe would affect my gameplayer (e.g. PVP) but even if the game is PVE I don’t care… I bought the game to have fun, not to stress about how others play it.

Personally I think when they make it multi player, its a dedicated realm the Devs control, no backups accessable to players. This way people can be in single player mode if they wish or to play multi player you have go on the multi player realm controled by the devs.

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Which makes sense to ban people duping items but right now game is single player, in early access and the community is pretty much helping the DEVs finding all these issues. If they start banning people rn changes are they gonna stop getting all these reports and help from the community and release the game with bugs that could be avoided if they have a more flexible early access testing session.

Banning people never works, trust me I know. I use to be a GM on a different game, it was an endless task to do. However I like what the solution the Devs came up with for solving it. They stated in a post that “when” someone is cheating, they just get flagged as a cheater and they can only join games of other cheaters. That is just game changing IMO. So in the end it won’t matter is people dupe, cheat or whatever. They will have there own community to only play with and people that want a fair game will be seperate from them.

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Lol that’s amazing. They should provide streams about that in Twitch because it would be hell of fun to watch the cheaters goin nuts with other cheaters lmao

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yea this is pretty annoying. Here’s me spending my time running crucible and you can dupe items. I doubt they are flagging people for it ether. its early access and there’s no multiplayer

Think I read it somewhere, maybe on X about the plan with EA cheaters. I really hope they do get flagged and play online upon release only with other cheaters.

If anyone has a link to a post or tweet about it please share.

@Steve_Jewer you asked in discord to report the duplication “bug” and tag you. there are several other posts about this but i think this is the most helpful. its a backup savegame exploit.

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