Cloning items, restore realm from backup

I don’t know if this is a bug or intentional design, but I’ve noticed that Twitch streamers are duplicating items. How do they do it, you may ask? Simply create two characters on two different realms. Then, bring the loot you want to duplicate to the other realm, store it, and go to the menu to use the backup of the realm before you duplicated the items into another one.

For me, this is game-breaking. Things like this completely killed New World, so I’m hoping this will be fixed, before implementing multiplayer patch.


Offline saves doesn’t matter. If they want to have online global trading they would have to store the saves online and authenticate it, also having anti cheat systems to prevent cheaters.

Don’t worry, your offline persona is separate from your online persona, just like GTA OL

thank you for the report. this is something we are looking into. :+1:


You can easily farm levels with this exploit. Daily Weekly, Bounties and Challenges are repeatable with mats cloning.

Another exploit could be farm of Ichors and unlocking of your locked inventory slots.

Cloning of enchantable items and rolling of perfect affixes.

Cloning of infusable mats and rolling of perfect stats, for example you can repeat infusion until you reach perfect roll.

Cloning of building mats and fully upgrade your city.

Beating a boss 100 times and farming its drops, if you have save before the kill.

In theory you can beat the game without even getting out of Sacrament. Pretty serious exploit according to me. Reddit is full with perfect roll pictures from people exploiting this and a character wipe is required after a fix is deplyed.

It’s been known since a while and has been discussed and even explained on here before a while ago already.

Generally I don’t see an issue with the duping by abusing the realm save / backup (save scumming) since it only affects the person doing it. This could be an issue depending on how much of an impact the multiplayer is supposed to have.

In the Souls games, duping or even using CE to give yourself all items, levels, currency has been a thing since forever. Fully kitted and optimized twinks roaming lower level multiplayer instances, etc… And it really isn’t that much of an issue there (at least for me).

However, it really takes away the fun for me, when doing it since I personally love to work for progression and power ups instead of just handing myself everything instantly.

Dude you still don’t get it, this feature is build in the game by design. You don’t need to use third party software to duplicate items, for me it’s looks like dev tool to see if game corretly creates save points.

Game devs were claming, that every feature in this game will implement some kind of multiplayer aspect. Serverenity of this issue could be from nuisance to game breaking bug.

All in the game is about grinding. If you represent to a person two official options to perform this grind process, one to be with playing and experience the game itself and one to be to do it in a matter of couple of hours with exploit without even experience the game. Your brain will always choose the most effective way. I do not care about multiplayer atm, this option is game over for me, making the game not interesting and not fun.

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I see where you are coming from and I guess it’s all about personal prefference. I personally did exploit my way on one of my realms and characters but then lost the fun playing with said character and in said realm, so I started over fresh after deleting realm + char.

I personally don’t find it game-breaking that people are able to do that, it doesn’t affect me (yet). But I’m also not feeling pressured to speedrun my way out of the game by watching videos about builds or other stuff that could/would possibly spark that sense of pressure in me.

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