experience: 40 hours in game and multiple crucible farmed.
A jump button would be great, you could have another attack patern with the jump, and also avoid a lot of the unintentional falling when you character goes on a ladder automatically during a fight, or climb and fall, or when you are stuck in the environment and roll to get out.
When a mob/boss corner you at an angle you should be able to get out with a roll but sometime you are just lock and can’t do anything but die.
Would be great to be able to change some attributes on gear and not full random, at a great cost, or only 1 or 2 attributes per gear but that would make the gamble less painful.
To be able to have multiple whispers/respawn point would be great, its not very fun to run accross a whole empty level just to get to where you died, or the enemies could just respawn totally when you die.
Whispers could give your health back or a little bonus to feel the reward to get there, like in dark souls, the player need to be happy to have successfuly arrived at a checkpoint.
The inventory even with the patches that helped a lot still not work for me. The gameplay loops consist of clearing zones or dungeons to get loot to enhance your gear/merchants but most of the time you have to go back to town without clearing a zone because you are inventory full. To have an inventory 1/3 more in size would help a lot to clear a zone and then go back to town and be satisfied with what you have farmed.
Sacrament merchants and characters are too far from each other for me, its great the first few times you do it, you visit the city and are impressed by the intricate design. But after that you just loose time, I think over my 40 hours gamed I lost 5-10 hours just to run and stock/sell items. Seems too impractical to me. I would love to either have more inventory size or rework the sellers/housing locations. Especially the first chest you got at the start, I know you can enhance the stairs, but it’s just has no reason to be that much impractical for me.
Would be great to have a wandering merchant and a chest near the crucible runs, because you are inventory full and just waste 10min to sell/stock your inventory between each runs. Seems just impractical at the moment.
Runic attack should cost stamina to not be able to spam them endlessly and have a no brain build like I have right now.
Use special capacity with a dash and then posture reset should not make us fall when we are close to an edge of a cliff, would be great to reset the posture without falling.
When we have multiple stack of the same object (not full) it would be great to combine them automatically, happens a lot with the food/crafting materials
The knights or ennemies thats do AOE damage on the ground like earth shater, should not be able to do it from a little cliff to the ground, it should stop at the same height. The AOE damage seems a bit bugged right now, I never know if Im gonna get hit or not. Seems a bit unfair.
Would be great to be able to switch controler visual in the options, If i play with an other controler than a xbox one it would have helped me a lot to see the right buttons, Im not used to controler and it made me lost a bit of time
The trainer at the city that doesnt like the hero would make an awesome character to reset the stats, with a cost of course.
Would be great to be able to put 3 or 4 special attack on a blue/purple weapon with a drawback in exchange.
Would be great that the farming tools durability doesnt get reduced by the deaths.
The light roll seems not rewarding enough for me. For example when a big ennemy hits the ground multiples times, it tracks the player perfectly even with light roll, and the invincibility frames seems reduced during the light roll so its more a debuff than a boost. Its just perfect to get out of the way but no in.
The bows capacity doesnt seem to work for me if I have another weapon equiped.
I don’t see the percentage written on the gear enchant in the french version of the game. I only see the numbers, I figured out later that the enchants were percentage driven.
PS: sorry if not everything is clear, english is not my first language