I would like to see a discovery tab

I would like to see added in the future a sort of discovery tab or field guide that updates upon new encounters and discoveries. such as the nameless crabs we do a murderfest on for stew. a very basic creature, but would be cool to have a blank page with an image of them. as you kill x amount it shows lore, a kill tracker, what their drops can be, where they can be found. cool stuff like that would be a nice long term addition to the game.


would be cool if it included a bestiary tab so you can see all the enemies & bosses you have encountered so far; plus for those who are interested it would be a way to view all the models up-close.


I like the idea, but if they do that I hope it’s in a kind of diary form to keep it immersive and not just another menu tab.

That’s how I envisioned it tbh. Having a diary with the bestiary and then little info regarding the said enemy and how many times you’ve slain it… maybe would be funny to also count how many times it has slain you too.

got some ideas for the bestiary from other games:

After the first encounter, a small description of the enemy will appear.

After defeating a enemy X Times some more story will be revealed.
(and some steps, so for ex. after 5,15,30 killed enemys from the same type more and more informations, lore and so on would get )

After hitting an enemy with elementary damage an entriy will refreshed if the enemy type is weak or not for this damage.

At the end you would have ti kill a bunch of enemies from the same type and trye out some elementary damage to get all the existing informations

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I would keep it rather simple, but if you’re into information overload I get where you’re coming from. Honestly either would be fine by me but don’t they dare put these new information notification points in there.

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I think it should remain pretty simple and not be too overloading to the user, some pretty simple info regarding stuff like its origin and potentially stuff like its weaknesses. Defo dislike when things constantly notify the player when something new is added.

Something like this

damn my writting is terrible

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Yeah I would say that’s a perfect example. Obviously it depends on people’s preference and as I said I think it would be cool if we could actually see the character model but other than that, personally I don’t think there is any other info needed. Maybe the only other thing I can think of is something like location, for example if you were to hunt them, where would you most likely spot them around - This is entirely different from origin, as when I say origin I mean something like a “mutant creature that’s a combination of human x whatever” that kind of thing.

Additionally, I don’t know if it’s just me but I love seeing concept art for games. It would be a great way to incorporate it into the game, either by having concept art as loading screens or having it’s own section within the menus.