First off, i think this game has insane potential! Like seriously off-the-charts potential & im loving it!!!
I managed to fumble my way to Sacrament, with my character reaching Lv.11.
At this point “apparently” i should be more than capable of killing the solo “Torn Colossus” in the “War Room”.
I feel its a good time to actually make a proper effort to learn the games mechanics, but man i SUCK SO BAD!!!
The “Parry” mechanic, just what attacks of this mob are “Parryable”? Because im unsure if my timing’s terrible or the move is simply “UNparryable” ( coz that IS a thing isnt it?)
The “Block” mechanism too, im using a crappy (admittedly) “Round Shield” & ive not been able to block a single move from this mob. Timing is pretty much a non-component here as the shield is raised as long as the button is held, , so again, WHICH moves actually ARE “Blockable”?
I reckon a large part of the game is to find out the answer to these questions of mine (for each Boss/mob) but im getting killed in seconds flat in that room. Its to the point of “definition of insanity is to repeatedly make the same moves over & over without learning from them!”, so i thought id come here & pitifully ask for advice/help/tips etc.
From what i see online, the majority of the playerbase use LARGE 2-handers, but for me they feel awful! Horribly slow & they make a hard game simply imposssible on top of unenjoyable. And the unenjoyable part is a big no-no for me as i cant/wont play games i dont enjoy.
Help me “Git Gud” or point to some material which will help.
EDIT: Ah, i totally forgot to mention im using a 1-hand sword with a shield although tbh i prefer the DEX weapons, fast as possible. But im not outputting enough damge imo so i “Upped” to sword n board.