HUGE discrepancy between Lifesteal and other forms of healing

After playing for about 35 hours and attempting to build my character in quite a few ways, I noticed that the “Gain X% health on damage dealt” equipment bonuses overshadow every other method of healing in the game by an extremely wide margin, regardless of build. For the sake of comparison, I made a video showcasing the healing capabilities of two builds:

First clip is a build with 3 pieces of Health Regen armor, ~70% increased healing effectiveness, and the unique legendary Corpse-Smeared Blade proc that gives additional health regen. After about 7 seconds of standing there, I heal from about 1/3 health to just under 1/2 half health.

In the second clip, the build is the same except I’m using an un-upgraded, off-stat pair of Brother’s Keeper’s daggers with 3% health on damage dealt instead of the Corpse-Smeared Blade. With these daggers, I can heal from under 1/3 health to about 90% health in just one second.

Because of this, it seems optimal for EVERY build to have a pair of healing daggers in one of their weapon slots, regardless of their stats, because they attack quickly and the low weapon damage inflicted by the daggers does not impact the value healed by them whatsoever.

I suggest substantially reducing the amount of health healed by the “Gain X% health on damage dealt” equipment bonus, or somehow tying this bonus to the actual damage dealt. Right now, it just seems too cheesy to abuse this.