Almost every time I make the third swing with the claymore I fall through the ground. The third swing no longer works.
Thank you for the report, this has been escalated internally!
Hi, I’d like to add my 2 cents
I noticed that 3rd claymore attack works as intended when I don’t have speed enhancing rings/equipment in use.
However when I equip either willow cap ring, agility ring or both at once, the bug (3rd attack of claymore) does occur, attack is not released and player character falls under ground and below.
I’ll either the video or files asap, don’t have them on me at the moment.
When doing three charged attacks in quick succession, the third charged attack charges briefly then the charging stops and the character performs a weird animation change before swinging the sword. I believe it does the normal attack damage and the stamina consumption matches that of a normal attack.
Video of it (+ player logs): Unique Download Link | WeTransfer
This is a 100% replication rate and so far does not work with any other weapon I own (other greatswords, spears, one-handed swords…).
It is also possible to obtain the same result but without the first two attacks being charged attacks, however I found it to be less consistent.
I do have the agility ring on, but I just tried removing it and the bug is still there. No other items giving any kind of speed.
However, I noticed the bugged animation is slightly different now without the agility ring equipped, so it does have an influence over the issue.