General Feedback - Difficulty Spikes, Inventory, Ichor Upgrades

Really enjoyed my 37 hours spent with the game so far. As I wind down, I wanted to share my impressions both positive and negative.

- Combat feels so, so good…
Easily the top thing that keeps me coming back for more. The weight, impact of hits, sound and effects are all excellent.

- Most fights feel fair, with few exceptions.
The great axe wielders that quickly shove then follow with a wide swing.
It just feels frustrating as the shove hardly has any warning and mid game the follow up swing is likely to finish you off with no chance to roll or get away.

- Level design and in connectivity is top tier!
That said, I did start to feel that all I was ever doing was running down elaborate corridors. I’d like to see some wider spaces for variety.

- Difficulty felt excellent through EA story, near perfect.
Progression through the first 4 biomes and 3 bosses feels excellent already.
It felt challenging and rewarding.

- Difficulty spike after 3rd boss felt abrupt and jarring.
Returning to the open world after the story felt as if I was under levelled at 17. Unsure if this is intentional.

- Difficulty spike between open world and crucible seems too harsh for levels 20 - 25.
Not sure if this is intentional.
This is particularly frustrating when there’s little to do in between to gear up in preparation.

- Crucible as it is currently, doesn’t have enough random variations to make it playable long term.
I imagine this is just the base that will be built upon over time.

- Art style is excellent, particularly the environments.
Distinct, memorable and dense with personality everywhere you look. The way everything blows in the wind. :ok_hand:

- Non player character designs, townspeople, beasts, Elsworth, Odessa Winnick and Seline all look and animate spectacularly.

- (Respectfully) I’m personally not a fan of the player character models.
Enlarged forearms and tiny legs in particular. At least some body type options would be nice if possible.

- Inventory space needs some tuning.
The increased storage in chests, earlier housing availability and craft / vendor from storage I’ve heard is coming can’t come soon enough!

- Fast travel to house, please!
This would help greatly for emptying bags quickly and returning back to keep on looting.

- Ichor upgrades, I’m not sold on these.
The inventory slots, consumable slots ect that are locked behind them seem needlessly restrictive.
I can’t think of any good reason not having all slots unlocked from the start?

- Better Mouse and Keyboard Support.
I understand that Controller is recommended but… As someone who prefers mouse and keyboard, particularly in games that involve loot management. Please spend some time making the mouse and keyboard support better!

- Bigger (in game style) mouse pointer that is easy to see!
Very easily gets lost in the environment during hectic play.

- Rebindable keys, please! :slight_smile:

- Some jumping assistance for WASD players.
With every jump on an angle to the camera jumping can be tricky and holding alt and aiming the mouse is awkward.

- The LOOT.
Loot is excellent, random effects, the look of weapons and armor. All of it excellent.

- Fantastic weather effects and atmospherics!
More weather effects in future. How you’ve done rain and fog looks so good. Hoping for snow wicked style!

Excellent work team! I think what you’ve got cooking is the start of something truly special.

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The great axe wielders that quickly shove then follow with a wide swing.

I think it’s my second cause of death, first being of course gravity.

Overall i agree with everything.

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Nice on-point feedback. :+1:
Agree with most of it.

Feeling you…
With this combat quality i wonder how PvP will feel/work.

Nice to know I’m not the only one… Can agree on gravity being the number one killer. :sweat_smile: