Game Controller - Not all actions are on buttons

So I got myself an Microsoft - Elite Series 2 Wireless Controller and it works perfectly fine except not all actions are on a button and I can’t seem to figure out how to map buttons to actions. Such as, V which is the shoulder slam to knock enemies off guard. There is no button on the controller that performs that.

did you configure your controller within steam/steam big picture?
steam → settings → controller

also i have something in mind, that shoulder bash is either a 2 button combo or situational. can’t remember and never used it myself.

quite a while ago this has been reported, and OP assumed it was a problem with remapping LB and RB Shoulder charge not working after controller keys changed - #3 by dardunc
maybe try default buttons?

Thanks, I didn’t remap any buttons because the shoulder bash isn’t on the list to map a button to. It’s available to M+K which is V but not for the controller. I can’t find that action anywhere in the menus so right now, using this Xbox Elite controller I’ve lost abilities. So I’m back to the M+K.

By the way, Shoulder Bash is OP on Forest Trolls. One shoulder bash knocks them down for a few seconds where they are on the ground defenseless.

I didn’t know about Steam Settings Controller to map buttons. I can look into that.


not sure if u can remap them, but u can at least test and calibrate the controller. for remapping there are also 3rd party tools like ds4windows, but not sure if it only works for PS controllers

Edit: does anyone use shoulder bash and knows which 2 button combo it is?

I found some youtube videos for mapping buttons using Steam and they do have it. You can set any button to do any key on the keyboard. So I will probably just make one of my buttons press V. I will try this tonight.

Using the mouse keyboard it isn’t a combo that I can recall, simply pressing V does the shoulder bash. Seems like a single action move.

yeah but i think i read somewhere it is a 2 button action on controller, could be wrong. maybe dash and parry? just a guess tho

Its LB+RB but it can’t be remapped in game settings :frowning:
I asked the same question some times ago…

Oh, both at the same time? I never tried that. I"ll check it out. Thanks