Flow chart curve and patterns

This my opinion only.
The game itself is amazing, but, the grinding and fights can become boring tasks as we learn the patterns we just await and hit. I hope the dev team think about the flow curve or else the player base will suck all game’s juice before the the release.
The world change is a great tool for players to go back and explore everything again looking for anything new.

One thing about enemies combat would be feint, look for cover, call reinforcement, organized team fight, disarming, pretend to be dead, flee, and many more.

Tell me people, do you agree, disagree?


I’m up for literally any mechanic that makes the combat harder so yeah I agree

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there have been quite a few suggestions in this direction, altho in multiple different topics. i’ll try to summarize what i remember

  • people suggested in a thread about light vs heavy armor, that it would be cool, if armor/equipment made sounds, so enemies are aware of your presence earlier or later. making sneaking different, depending on your equipment

  • sadly i can’t find the thread, but somewhere we had a suggestion about enemies reacting to the surroundings, by for example shove attacks near cliffs etc.

  • another person suggested to have different tactical roles for players and enemies, like tanks, supports etc.

just to add those points to the discussion :slight_smile:

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Thank’s for your references! Not just here, but in general. :smiling_face: :pray:

One interesting thing would be different enemy behaviour, based around what other enemies are there. Also what skills the players are using.

We all know people tend to behave differently in groups and take on specific roles naturally. Having the same for enemies would be really cool.

For example:
If I am melee DPS and alone, i try to get the drop on the enemy and be as aggressive as possible. If I am with a ranged DPS, I wait for the enemy to engage and am reactive instead, letting the ranged DPS do the work, unless the enemy uses ranged skills.

That sort of thing.

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It would be nice to see npc with more natural behaviors. Right now they are dummies.