Flip quest marker

Maybe I haven’t played enough RPGs, but I can’t recall a single RPG that uses ‘question marks’ for new quests and ‘exclamation marks’ to signal their completion. Can we flip those around? It feels very wrong.

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Actually it makes more sense that it is this way in my opinion if you think about it.

But hard agree here. World of Warcraft has corrupted me and cant rewire my brain.

It’s not just WoW though. XIV uses the exclamation mark the same way for side quests - they use a check mark to signal completed quests however.

I always regarded it as ‘!’ drawing attention, while ‘?’ signals the quest giver requesting a status update. I get what you mean though. ‘?’ invoking curiosity.

Maybe devs here wanted to be witty. “Reinventing” the genre and all.

Yeah, I’ve considered it. But at what point are they reinventing or just alternative for the sake of it


Agreed, in every game I ever played that has quests;

  • Exclamation mark (!) = quest available
  • Question mark (?) = quest ready for turn-in

There’s no need to reinvent something that has become an industry standard, especially when item colorizations are also following the universal colors that have been established for over two decades since Diablo II;

  • Common = White
  • Uncommon = Green
  • Rare = Light Blue/Yellow
  • Epic = Purple
  • Legendary = Yellow/Orange
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