Feedback regarding enemies AI/fighting

Things that in my opinion could be improved:

  • Enemies sometimes suicide if there is a ledge or water nearby. Most notable example is Huntsman in Orban Glades. I fought him 3 times and 3 times he “dodged” out of the cliff
  • There is an issue with hitboxes when there is a slope or any kind of difference in platforms level between player and the monster. It becomes clear when witches are doing 3 times fire wave attack. On the slope, fire wave will abruptly end just in front of them
  • Brutes with 2handed Axes can throw 2 fire grenades. If we dodge backwards and keep the distance, brutes will walk into fire zone they created themselves and take big damage
  • In open world monsters have some kind of borders. For example bridge between Mariners Keep and Orban Glades. The issue is that monsters do not reset to their original position and player can easily abuse that by hitting them and stepping backwards
  • Because of how camera works, there are some places in which enemies that were not spotted yet, will hit us from offscreen without any form of indication(For example Knight jump attack)